resentatives working with them. In other instances the important engineering firms bid on entire undertakings by obtaining special prices from the branch houses handling electrical equipment. The general importers also hold agencies for complete lines of elec- trical equipment as well as specialized lines, but they are not in a pcsition to undertake the actual construction of power houses or factories. Tenders are submitted only for the electric installation, which is usually carried out by factory representatives attached to the firm. Manufacturers’ agents are important as sales agents for firms specializing in the manufacture of domestic appliances, flash lights and batteries, storage batteries, and electric tools. They do not carry stock and usually have special knowledge of the electrical trade. Orders are secured on an indent basis only. . As the distribution of automotive accessories, flash lights and small domestic appliances is in the hands of Chinese retailers, there has been a tendency on the part of the more important firms to obtain direct connections with American manufacturers for these particular items. The majority of Chinese importers sell through their own retail shops, although in some instances they have connections throughout the Netherland East Indies. GENERAL ENGINEERING FIRMS Much of the electrical installation work is done by six important firms located in the Netherland East Indies, five of which are general engineering firms that will undertake the complete erection of a sugar factory or a power house or sell a single motor, while the other firm is the largest exclusive electrical engineering firm in the territory. The firms referred to above, together with their branches are as follows: GENERAL ENGINEERING FIRMS Lindeteves Stokvis: Head office, Amsterdam; branches: Semarang (head office ‘or Netherland East Indies), Surabaya, Batavia, Medan, Padang, Palembang, Bandoeng, Soekaboemi, Djocja, Tegal, Makassar. Carl Schlieper: Head office, Ramschied, Germany; branches: Batavia (head office for Netherland East Indies), Bandoeng, Semarang, Tegal, Djocja, Sura- kata, Surabaya, Makassar, Medan, Padang, Palembang, Pontianak. Ruhaak & Co.: Head office, The Hague; branches: Surabaya, Djocja, Tegal. Batavia. Becker & Co.: Branches: Surabaya, Batavia, Pasoercean. Geveke & Co. Surabava. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Amsterdamsch Kantoor voo Indische Zakon (A. K. I. Z.): Head office, Amster- dam: branches. Batavia. Surabava. All of the general engineering firms mentioned buy from branch houses of electrical-equipment manufacturers in addition to holding agencies of their own. Lindeteves Stokvis and Carl Schlieper control about 75 per cent of the machinery trade of the territory; and although the percentage of the electrical-equipment trade controlled by them is not as large, they undoubtedly secure an important share of the total business as a result of their large organization and connections. The other firms mentioned, while not as outstanding as the first two, are important and are capable of undertaking larce electrical contracts.