'B CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERvicE [Ciro 42 Tuscan (Tuskena) —This variety originated in Mississippi. It received a place on the fruit list of the American Pomological Society in 1873. There appear to be several types, such as, for example, the Ontario. The fruit is large, of good quality, with yellow clingstone desh. It has been rather extensively planted in the interior valleys and foothills of California. It is perhaps the best early cling variety for canning, although the flesh tends to be red about the pit. The fruit ripens rapidly, the skin is thin and the flesh bruises easily, hence this peach does not ship satisfactorily. There is much loss from so- ealled ‘split-pit’ during certain seasons. PROPAGATION, SELECTION AND CARE OF NURSERY STOCK [t is the common practice for peach growers to buy nursery grown rees. The reasons for this are that the grower ordinarily does not wish to wait a year or more and seldom has the time, facilities, or sxperience for the successful propagation of trees. When growers prefer trees propagated from buds taken from their own orchard and are willing to wait, it is often possible to contract with a nursery for their propagation. This may be warranted where there is difficulty in getting nursery trees of the desired type or strain. It will rarely be impossible, however, to buy good trees at reasonable prices. Home-grown trees may be economically produced when the grower is skilled in propagation methods, when he has the time and facilities to do the work, and requires sufficient trees to warrant this special work. Whether the peach grower buys nursery-grown or uses home-grown trees, certain essentials should be known in order to make a wise selection. The discussion pertaining to propagation is given with this idea in mind. Kinds of Rootstocks Used—A survey made by M. J. Heppner, formerly of the University of California, indicated that for the season of 1927-28 the rootstocks used by the nurserymen for peaches were as follows: peach, 98.9 per cent; apricot, 0.8 per cent; and almond, 0.3 per cent. While popularity usually indicates which rootstock is best, the individual merits of the rootstock for conditions in the orchard should also be considered. The rootstock should make a good union with the peach, be adapted to the soil conditions, resistant to diseases and insects, and be uniformly true to type. The Peach Root.—The peach is the most important rootstock and makes an excellent union with the commercial varieties of peaches. The nurserymen are using seedlings grown from Lovell pits or from pits of some of the other varieties in California, such as Salwey,