‘8 CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION Service [Cre 42 The Almond Root—The almond roots deep and for this reason it has been used as a rootstock in the drier soils. This supposed advan- tage over the peach is probably over-emphasized and at present almost no almonds are used by nurserymen as a rootstock for the peach. The nnion with the peach is good but the almond root is very susceptible to crown gall, and also to the attacks of the peach root-borer and oak root fungus. Budding.®—Seedling peaches are usually budded in July or August. In times of scarcity, the ‘June bud’ is also used but the resulting nursery trees are generally smaller. Buyers usually object to this small size and for this reason June budding is seldom practiced. Sometimes ‘dormant buds’ are planted in the orchard the winter or spring following budding, before the buds begin growth. This prae- tice, however, is expensive and the stand is seldom as good as with June buds or one-year-old trees. Grades of Nursery Trees—When purchasing trees the grower should know something of the different sizes of trees offered for sale. Most nurseries grade trees according to diameter but list them in the catalogues as 4 to 6 feet; 3 to 4 feet; and 2 to 3 feet. Size, however, is not the only consideration. The tree should be healthy, must not have been stunted in its growth, should preferably be of medium size, from B to 5 feet high, calipering about 14 inch in diameter just above the bud, and should not be over one year old. When the order is large a visit to the nursery is desirable. Other -hings being equal, preference should be given to the nearest nurseries because the trees will be subject to the shortest shipment. Long ship- ments are expensive, and the trees may suffer from drying out. Care of Nursery Trees—Trees should be ordered early enough to insure delivery where possible by January. Unless they are to be planted at once they should be unpacked and carefully heeled-in, in moist but well-drained soil, until they are planted. Heeling-in is done by placing the trees in a shallow trench, side by side about the same depth as they stood in the nursery. Loose moist soil is then sifted between the roots and the trench filled. The soil should be firmly pressed about the roots, using eare not to injure them. Topworking Old Trees—In some cases the fruit grower may wish to topwork other fruit trees to peaches or to topwork his peach trees to more suitable varieties, rather than to plant nursery trees. This is rarely advisable if the trees are much over eight years of age, if they are too closely planted, or if they are not healthy. 5 Stahl, J. L. Propagation of deciduous fruits. California Agr. Exp. Sta. Cir. 204 : 1-24. 1925.