29 CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SErvicE [Ome 42 with burlap or eanvas as they are hauled to the orchard; cut off bruised, broken, interfering, dead, dried, or unhealthy roots: discard trees with galls on the roots. The planting board is placed in its original position and the tree is set against the center notch. It is planted about the same depth that it stood in the nursery, with the roots in their natural position. Moist, fine, surface soil is then sifted about them and should be firmed care- fully. Unless the soil is moist, water is given by irrigation or from a tank wagon. Heading and Shaping —The tree is cut back at planting time to restore the balance between top and root and to obtain the benefits of low heading. Most vigorous peach trees grow side branches in the nur- sery. Some trees, such as ‘June buds’ may form only a ‘whip’ with no side branches. When pruning the nursery tree, make use as far as possible of the satisfactory available side branches in forming the framework. The laterals selected should be vigorous and upright and not spindling and drooping. If it is necessary to remove all of the laterals they should be cut off not closer than one-half inch from the trunk. This is done to preserve the buds at the base which later may send out vigorous shoots. If the tree is a straight ‘whip’ it is cut back to a healthy bud about 24 inches above the ground. If, however, the tree has formed lateral branches, then three of the strongest of these, properly spaced on the trunk, are left to be developed into the main scaffold branches. The undesirable lateral branches are cut off. A desirable tree is one with three symmetrically directed branches selected to form the framework, spaced about six to eight inches apart on the trunk, with the lowest branch about eight inches above the ground. The three scaffold branches should be spaced as nearly equidistant around the trunk as possible. Whitewashing.— After planting and pruning, the trees, especially if large in diameter, may be whitewashed to prevent sunburn. Sun- burn may oceur on hot bright days when the tree has inadequate leaves to protect it from the direct rays of the sun. Sunburn is not only a direct injury, but it also favors the entrance of borers and decay organisms. One formula for whitewash is as follows: Quicklime 5 pounds, salt 14 pound and sulfur V5 pound. Stir in the salt and sulfur while the lime is slaking. Omit the salt when deer or rabbits may be troublesome. Tree Protectors—Oceasionally rabbits may ‘bark’ the young trees. In unusual cases it may be desirable to protect the trunks with small wire mesh, or commercial tree protectors, various sorts of which are on the market. selling for from $10.00 to $20.00 per thousand.