1930] Prac Currure iN CALIFORNIA 23 PRUNING AND SHAPING THE PEACH TREE? The purposes of pruning may be enumerated as follows: (1) to produce a vigorous, mechanically strong, healthy tree, capable of bear- ing heavy crops over a long period of years; (2) to obtain a tree well shaped for convenience and economy in orchard management: (3) to Fig. 8.—Fruit bud of the peach. Note the two lateral fruit buds with a small leaf bud between. (From California Agr. ¥xp. Sta. Bul. 388) distribute the fruiting area over the tree; (4) to favor early and regular bearing of profitable crops: and (5) to obtain desirable size and quality of fruit. Habit of Bearing.-—The fruit buds of the peach are usually borne laterally upon one-year-old wood and on short spur-like twigs. If the 9 Tufts, W. P. Pruning young deciduous fruit trees. California Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 318:1-44, 1927.