28 CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION Service [Cra 42 Wounds which heal readily in one season do not need covering. Some protective dressing, however, should be applied to large wounds to keep out fungi. Bordeaux paste may be applied after the callus starts to form about the edges. One of the most common dressings is “Grade D’’ asphaltum applied warm. Certain commercial prepara- tions, roofing paints, and asphaltum emulsions are widely used for covering pruning wounds, because they are cheap and can be applied cold, and are said to be very effective. Fig. 6.—Pruning tools most commonly used, including swivel blade saw, curved blade saw. one-hand and two-hand pruning shears. Wounds heal over much more readily when the original cut is close to the parent branch and smoothly made. A split limb ean often be saved when the lower part is still well attached by raising the limb to its natural position and fastening it with bolts. Splinters on the edges should be removed and the wound smoothed to facilitate healing. CARE OF THE PEACH ORCHARD Tillage—The soil in a peach orchard should be well tilled every year to incorporate organic matter, destroy weeds, and facilitate water penetration. It is desirable to obtain a heavy cover erop, either volunteer or planted, to turn under each spring. Plowing, however, should not be delayed until the soil becomes so dry that it will turn up lumpy or the growth of the trees be checked by competition with the cover crop for water.