1930] Praca Currurk IN CALIFORNIA 43 trees showing low vigor. The whitish larvae, having a flattened portion just behind the head, hatch in the spring and mine the inner bark and sapwood and may girdle the branch or trunk. Prevent sunburn by proper pruning and whitewashing, and avoid injuries or wounds to the tree. Keep the tree vigorously growing by supplying sufficient water and thus discourage egg laying by the beetles. When borers are in the tree the only feasible control is digging them out. Fig. 12.—Fruit damaged by peach twig-borer, showing surface injury. (From California Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 355.) Peach Twig-Borer, Anarsia lineatella Zell —This is a small reddish- brown caterpillar about one-half inch long, which burrows into and kills buds and twigs, and may infest the fruit. The larvae hibernate just beneath the bark in crotches of the smaller branches, and emerge in the early spring to infest buds and new shoots. Later they change to tiny moths which fly about the orchard depositing eggs. These give