Full text: The alcohol problem

When the drunkards were classified according to the 
nature of the liquid consumed, it was found that on an 
average the beer drinkers survived for 21-7 years after 
they began their intemperate habits, whilst the spirit 
drinkers survived 16-7 years, and those who drank beer 
and spirits indiscriminately, 16-1 years. 
Pearl considers that we may accept Neison’s main 
result at practically its full face value, though another 
distinguished statistician, Professor Harold Wester- 
gaard,* has pointed out that Neison’s methods are 
unreliable. In any case, the result accords well with 
common experience, though the exact numerical effect 
of excessive drinking is doubtful; and, of course, it is 
always bound to be doubtful in so far as it applies to 
individual persons. 
Other evidence concerning the influence of over- 
indulgence in alcoholic liquors on mortality is afforded 
by the statistics published by the Registrar-General. 
The latest available figures relate to the years 1910-12, 
and of the 505,936 deaths experienced by males aged 
fifteen and upwards in these years, 1,451 are attributed 
to ‘“ alcoholism.” Another 6,000 deaths are attrib- 
uted to * cirrhosis of the liver,” a condition due, in 
the majority of cases, to chronic alcoholism. These 
two causes of death together account for 1-5 per cent. 
of the deaths from all causes, or if we assume that only 
two-thirds of the ‘‘ cirrhosis’ deaths were due to 
alcohol, they account for 1-1 per cent. of the deaths. 
There can be no doubt, however, that alcohol is re- 
sponsible for many more deaths than it is credited with 
on death certificates. These certificates are seen by the 
* H. Westergaard, * Lehre von der Mortalitit und Morbiditit,”’ 
(882. Internat. Rev. Alc.,” 1924, p. 27.

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