Full text: The alcohol problem

strictions must be applied gradually and in small 
instalments. It is permissible for the restrictions to 
be slightly in advance of public opinion, so as to lead 
this opinion rather than to follow it; but the gap 
between the two must be a narrow one. It is not 
reasonable to expect individuals to change suddenly 
and radically the habits of a lifetime, and it must be 
left for each succeeding generation to modify in turn 
the habits of the preceding generation. Hence the 
progress of temperance reform is bound to be a very 
slow one. There is no single path leading to imme- 
diate and complete success. A number of paths exist, 
each leading to some improvement, and it is our duty 
to traverse these paths diligently and hopefully, for 
the attainment of full sobriety by the nation is one of 
the most important of the social and economic problems 
with which we are confronted at the present day.

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