Full text: The alcohol problem

Absenteeism, in relation to alco- 
hol, 234-236 
Abstainers, mortality of, 212-220 
Accidents, industrial, in relation 
to alcohol, 230-233 - 
Alcohol, consumption of, in rela- 
tion to prohibition: in America, 
11-14, in Finland, 35-36, in 
Sweden, 56; yearly consump- 
tion of, in Great Britain, 75; 
action of, on human organism, 
138; action of : on walking, 140, 
on shooting, 141, on industrial 
work, 141, on mental work, 153- 
158; action of: in relation to 
food, 159-168; in blood of dogs, 
165-167, 176; in blood of man, 
167, 168, 176, 180-183, 193; 
influence of dilution on effect 
of, 169-182; disappearance of, 
from blood, 181-183; effect of 
repeated small doses of, 184- 
187; influence of excessive in- 
dulgence in, on longevity, 203, 
204; racial effect of, 223-227; 
effect of, on industrial effi- 
ciency, 227-237 
Alcoholic liquors, effects of 
various, 187-190; effect of 
mixed, 190 
Alcoholism, deaths from, in 
America, 19-21; in Great 
Britain, 75-77, 204-211 
Alliance Year Book ” quoted, 8, 
31, 39, 44, 46, 47, 64, 105, 106, 
109, 125, 128, 134, 207, 213, 
Angell, Dr., 27 
Annan, chief inn at, 123 
Aschaffenburg, 141 
Asquith, H. H., 127, 128 
Astor, Lady, 66, 128 
Astor, Lord, 129 
Australia, prohibition movement 
in, 47-52 
Barmen, mortality of. 206, 208, 
Barrington, A., 223 
Bedford, T., 236 
Beer, compared with spirits in 
the causation of drunkenness, 
73; consumption of, in Great 
Britain, 75; reduced output 
during war, 89; duties on, in- 
creased, 9o; increased sale 
when duty was decreased, g1; 
differential rate of taxation of, 
99, 195, 244; effect of various 
quantities cf, on typewriting 
errors, 171, 172; non-intoxi- 
cating action of weak, 174, 175; 
cost of, in different strengths, 
38, 194-201 
3eman, L. T., 19, 25, 28 
Benedict, 152, 153 
Booth, Evangeline, 24 
Bratt system of control, 131-133 
Brewers, and tied houses, 103, 
Brewing and distilling, home, 14, 
15, 57, 60, 65 
Butler, N. M., 28 
Butler, W. W.. 107 
Canada, prohibition movement 
in, 39-47, 239 
Canterbury, Archbishop of, 127 

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