Full text: The alcohol problem

Carlisle experiment, 113-126 
Carter, H., 87, 88, 117 
Central Control Board, regula- 
tions of, reduce drunkenness 
greatly, 80; reduce hours of 
sale, 81; prevent soaking, 83; 
lower alcoholic strength of 
spirits, 85; prohibit treating, 
85; improve social and econo- 
mic life, 87, 88; control Carlisle 
area, 113-118; issue book 
on Action of Alcohol, 138; 
action of, summarised, 241, 
Chronic drinkers, accidents to, 
Cirrhosis of liver, deaths from. 
75, 77, 204 
Clarke, Justice, 27 
Clubs, 134-137 
Coal-miners, absenteeism among, 
234, 235 
Comparative mortality figure, 208, 
Compensation of licence-holders, 
127, 128, 129, 136 
Control Board, Central. See 
Central Control Board 
Control during the great war, 
Convivial drinking, 212 
Coolidge, President, 28 
Cost of living, 75, 93 
Craig, M., 224 
Crane, Dr., 31 
Crichton-Browne, J., 3 
Crime, effect of prohibition on, 
21-23, 37 
Curzon, Lord. 14 
Drinkers, heavy, show slow ab- 
sorption of alcohol into blood, 
182; mortality of, 203, 216- 
Drunkards, expectation of life of, 
203; offspring of, 223 
Drunkenness, convictions. for, 
16-19, 35; 36, 56, 61, 75, 77; 
monthly variations in, 78-84; 
reduced by regulating hours 
of sale, 81, 83; reduced further 
by restricted supplies, go; re- 
duced by coal strike, 95; in 
Carlisle, 113, 118-120; caused 
by beer and by spirits, 73 
Durig, A., 140 
Dynamometer, for testing effects 
of alcohol, 145 
Early closing of public houses in 
Australia, 49, 51 
Economic effects of prohibition, 
23-26; of control in Great 
Britain during war, 87 
Efficiency, effect of alcohol on 
physical, 140-152; on mental, 
Efficiency, industrial, in relation 
to alcohol, 227-237 
Elderton, E. M., 223, 224 
Empringham, James, 33 
Ergograph, for testing action of 
alcohol, 143-145 
Expectation of life of abstainers 
and non-abstainers, 217-220 
Expenditure on drink, 5, 24, 75, 
D’Abernon, Lord, 81 
Denmark, mortality in, in relation 
to the war, 221-223 
Differential taxation of alcoholic 
liquors, 98-100, 194-201, 243- 
Disinterested management, 67, 
70, 109-126, 131 
Dodge, 152, 153 
Family expenditure on drink, gs, 
6, 93 
Feldman, 24 
Finland, prohibition in, 35 
Fisher, Irving, 14, 23, 30 
Food, influence of, on alcohol 
effect, 160-168 
Fudge, J. N., 68 
Firer, 155

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