Full text: Study week on the econometric approach to development planning

The model has been programmed for EDSAC 2 at the Uni- 
versity Mathematical Laboratory and, more recently, for FEr- 
RANTI'S Atlas. The programme is written in stages, each of 
which can be modified as the need arises without disturbing 
‘he others. The present computing sequence, which does not 
include either the educational or the financial circuit, consists 
of seven stages. These are summarised in table 2 on p. 75, 
taken from [44]. 
So far, only the first five stages, o through 4, have been 
fully programmed. We are now engaged in programming 
stage 5, which had previsiously been calculated separately, 
and this will enable us to introduce shadow prices into our 
results. Stage 6, the final compilation, has still to be carried 
out by hand. 
Some idea of the size of the programme as it now stands 
can be gained from the following figures. The numerical inputs, 
‘hat is the parameters and conditions, needed for a computer- 
run number between five and six thousand. A run involves 
about thirty million multiplications: on a desk calculator this 
is equivalent to some sixty man-years of work; on Atlas it 
takes twanty-two seconds. 
i Stone - pag. 74

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