Full text: Study week on the econometric approach to development planning

where the prime in y’, indicates that when the vector y, serves 
as an expectational condition for the variable v,,, this variable 
is deleted in the vector, and where 
=I. ....0n: k=t.1+71, .... n). 
To state (14) in words: the matrix A is subdiagonal in the 
sense that all elements in and above the main diagonal are zero. 
System (10) is called the primary (or structural) form of the 
model (4). Thanks to the subdiagonal design of the matrix A 
the current endogenous variables y,, can be eliminated from 
the right-hand members of the primary form (10) by a sequence 
of iterated substitutions. This operation leads to the reduced 
form of the model, 
where the matrix R is given 
(16a-b) R=(I- A)! B 
and the following relation can be established, 
E(v,lz,)=R 2. 
showing that the component elements of R z, are eo ipso predic- 
tors for the corresponding variables y,,, or briefly stated, that 
the reduced form relations make eo ipso predictors for the 
current endogenous variables. 
7 feature in the generalization from VR-systems (6) 
(*) With regard to its theoretical content, a model consists of a set 
vf assumptions and a group of theorems deduced from the assumptions. The 
term primary form brings in relief that this form contains the basic as- 
sumptions; the term structural form accentuates that the specification of this 
same form determines the theoretical structure of the entire model, including 
the reduced form and other relationships deduced from the basic assumptions. 
2] Wold - pag. 9

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