Full text: Study week on the econometric approach to development planning

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ticular operating policy. For example, if the structure is a 
school, the #’s would specify the average size of class, the 
number of sessions per day, and the like; if it is a dam, the 
u's would specify the release rules as a function of reservoir 
content, etc. The target values, T, need not denote deter- 
ministic results if the process is stochastic; they should denote 
parameters of the probability distribution of outputs. For a 
hydroelectric project, T, might be the expected level of power 
output in June and T, might be its variance. The problem is 
then to minimize c¢(x,, ..., x,) subject to Fi(x,, ..., x, 
up, ul) >T, 1=1, ..., k. 
This 1s a standard constrained minimization problem to be 
solved by any of the usual methods. In general it will be a 
very difficult problem to solve, but when projects are planned 
with costs expressed in eight or nine digits, the expense of solv- 
ing a minimization problem of any imaginable difficulty is as 
dust in the balance. Indeed, the expense of computation is 
likely to be insignificant in comparison with the cost of gather 
ing the data. 
You will note that though project selection and design are 
at issue, the determination of operating policy has intruded 
itself into the problem. This is inevitable, as has long been 
recognized. « Operations studies » are a standard component 
of project design work. 
Assume this minimization problem to be solved. A by-pro- 
duct of the solution is a set of shadow prices associated with 
the assigned targets. In the early stages of the work these 
by-products are the main product of the analysis. They inform 
us how much costs could be reduced by a one-unit relaxation 
in each of the targets. Ratios between them are the trade-off 
ratios between different objectives. If several projects are being 
considered simultaneously, discrepancies between their shadow 
prices for the same objective indicate misallocations and in- 
consistences in the overall investment plan 
Dorfman - pag. 11

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