Full text: Study week on the econometric approach to development planning

des phénomenes humains, y compris dans le domaine économique, 
seront vraiment de grande utilité au progrès ordonné de la civili- 
sahon humaine. 
Et, en vous saluant paternellement, Nous implorons sur vos per- 
sonnes et sur vos travaux la protection de Dieu, en vous donnant 
à tous Notre Bénédiction Apostolique. 
on the choice, the method of treatment and the aim of a theme as 
fruitful for scientific research as it is rich in practical applications. 
We are sure also that these econometric studies, integrated with 
the rest of our knowledge of human phenomena, including those 
in the field of economics, will truly prove of great utility in the 
ordered progress of human civilisation. 
We give you a fatherly greeting and beg the divine protection 
for you and for your labours, bestowing on vou all Our Apostolic 

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