Full text: Report on an enquiry into wages and hours of labour in the cotton mill industry, 1926

6. In the form for Al Mill Operatives (excluding Weavers), 
information was called for under the following heads: — = - 
(1) Ticket number of operative ; 
(2) Designation or Occupation ; 
y Age and Sex, ¢.e., whether Man, Woman or Child ; 
(-) Actual number of days worked by regular worker on his own 
work ; 
(5) Actual number of days worked by regular worker as a double 
badli ; + 
(6) Actual number of days worked by a separate single badli, if 
any ; 
(7) Total production of (a) regular worker himself, (b) regular worker 
working as a double badli, or (c) a separate single badli, if any. (Each 
set of figures were to be entered on separate lines) ; 
(8) Whether wages paid at Time rates or Piece rates ; 
9) Rate of payment ; 
(10) Amount to be paid for work of (e) regular worker himself, or 
(b) regular worker working as a double badli, or (c} a separate single 
badly. (Hach set of figures to be entered on separate lines) ; 
(11) to (16) These were the same as numbers (13) to (18) in the 
form for Weavers. 
7. The post-Census enquiries made into the figures returned for the 
1921 and 1923 Wage Censuses showed that the tendency among those 
responsible for filling in the returns was to lump the earnings of regular 
workers with the wages earned for double-substitute work, although the 
instructions given in the prefatory notes in the forms used for both these 
enquiries definitely stated that earnings through double-substitute work 
should be omitted and not taken into consideration at all. During the 
1926 Census it was considered advisable to call for these figures separately 
in order to avoid all possibility of the instructions with regard to this 
matter being misunderstood. On the same analogy, separate information 
was asked for with regard to the additional earnings of regular workers 
from double-substitute work. During the tabulation of the statistics 
furnished in the returns, earnings frem double-substitute work were 
totally exeluded from all calculations, 
8. As soon as the proposals made by the Labour Office for the manner 
in which the third Cotton Wages Census should be held were accepted 
by the Technical Sub-Committee of the Bombay Millowners’ Association, 
the Labour Office addressed a comprehensive letter, on the same lines as 
that written to the Bombay Millowners’ Association, to the Ahmedabad 
Millowners’ Association. The main difficulty in connexion with the 
procuring of accurate information for the Ahmedabad mills is the 
prevalence, at that centre, of payment of wages by the hapta, which is a 
generally uniform period of fourteen days for weavers and a period of 
fourteen to sixteen days for other Process Operatives. During the 1921 
Enquiry information was asked for for the calendar month of May. The 
Labour Office has no information with regard to the manner in which the

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