Full text: Report on an enquiry into wages and hours of labour in the cotton mill industry, 1926

to 6-30 p.m. with two intervals from 10-30 a.m. to 11-30 a.m. and from 
3-30 p.m. t0 4-30 p.m. The two mills at Sholapur also observed intervals 
of one hour for the midday meals but one of the mills granted the 
recess between 12-30 p.m. and 1-30 p.m. whereas the other gave it 
between noon and 1 p.m. 
46. The Indian Factories Act provides that every person employed 
in any factory for more than sixty hours in any one week shall be paid, 
in respect of overtime worked, at a rate which shall be at least one and a 
quarter times the rate at which he is normally paid (section 31). The 
Act also contains a definite provision to the effect that no person shall be 
employed in any factory on a Sunday unless he has had or he will have a 
holiday for a whole day on one of the three days immediately preceding 
or succeeding the Sunday [section 22 (1) (a)]. 
47. In eleven out of the seventeen reporting mills in Bombay City 
overtime work was paid for at 1} times the usual rate. In three mills one 
full day’s wage was given for six hours’ overtime work put in, in one mill 
it was paid for eight hours’ work and in another mill for five hours’ work. 
In one mill which granted 1} times the usual rate for overtime work in 
the Spinning Department, the allowance for overtime in the Weaving 
Section was at 1} times the usual rate. Another mill reported that a full 
night's work was calculated as equivalent to two full days’ work for 
purposes of calculation of the overtime rate. In Bombay City the rates 
were 1} times the usual rates in four mills and they were equal to the 
usual rates in two mills. One full day’s wage was paid by five mills for 
six hours’ work, by two mills for seven hours’ work and by one mill for 
four hours’ work. One of these mills reported that for work done on 
Sundays {from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. wages for half a day abt usual rates were 
paid. In three mills a holiday in lieu of the Sunday or holiday which 
was worked was definitely stated to have been granted. 
48. In Ahmedabad, seven out of the fourteen reporting mills 
stated that no overtime was worked. Out of the remaining mills, five 
granted overtime allowances at 1} times the usual rates. One mill 
stated that payment for overtime was made according to the provisions 
of the Factories Act. One mill reported that one full day’s wages 
were paid for six hours’ overtime work put in during the day and 
two full days’ wages for similar work during the night. No work 
was done on Sundays and holidays in five mills, Two mills reported 
that substitute holidays were granted. In three mills the rates of 
remuneration were according to the usual normal rates. Three other 
mills reported that they paid at 1} times the usual rates while one 
mill calculated six hours’ duty during the day on a Sunday or a holiday 
as equivalent to one normal day’s work and the same duty at night as 
equal to two normal days’ work. 
49. Overtime work in the two Sholapur mills was paid for at 1} times 
the usual rates. One of the mills followed the same practice with regard 
to work on Sundays and holidays whereas the other mill gave substitute 

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