Full text: Report on an enquiry into wages and hours of labour in the cotton mill industry, 1926

Exemptions re Hours oF WORK 
50. The provisions of the Indian Factories Act in regard to the 
maximum hours of work for adults (sections 27 and 28) are not applicable 
to persons holding positions of supervision or management or employed 
in a confidential capacity. The Local Government may exempt any 
factory from the provisions of sections 27 and 28 of the Act if such 
exemption is necessary in order to enable such factory to deal with an 
exceptional press of work [section 30 (2)]; of, if there is in such factory 
any work which necessitates working outside the normal limits, or 
continuous production for technical reasons, or if the work is of an 
essentially intermittent character [section 30 (1)]. 
51. The reports received from the Bombay mills show that six mills 
did not take advantage of any exemptions from the limitation on working 
hours while three mills did not claim any special exemption other than 
that allowed by the provisions of the Act. One mill stated that it took 
advantage of the exemptions which the Act provides for but the mill did 
not specify the departments or occupations in respect of which exemp- 
tions were claimed. Out of two mylls which obtained exemptions in 
respect of their Blow Roora Departments one stated that 50 per cent. of 
the men were required to work in connexion with the cleaning of gutters. 
In the remaining five mills either some or all employees mainly of the 
Mechanic, Engine and Boiler, and Electrical Departments were exempted 
from the provisions of sections 27 and 28 of the Act. 
52. Nine out of the 14 mills in Ahmedabad which furnished 
information stated that no exemption was taken from the provisions of 
the Factories Act regarding hours of work. One mill had no records. 
The remaining four mills stated that they only availed themselves of the 
exemptions provided in the Act in respect of persons holding supervisory 
or managerial positions. One of the two mills in Sholapur stated that 
no exemption at all was obtained while the other reported that no special 
exemptions were applied for. 
53. One mill in Bombay City could not furnish any information with 
regard to the number of overtime hours worked owing to want of records. 
Six other mills simply stated that there was overtime during the month 
of July 1926. The other mills which furnished the data required did 
not all specify the number of overtime hours worked by each department 
but only gave the aggregate man-hours put in. Tt is not therefore 
possible to use the figures to any real advantage or to draw any definite 
conclusions therefrom. The aggregate number of man-hours worked by 
way of overtime in the ten mills that supplied figures amounted to 8,109%. 
Only four mills in Ahmedabad gave figures for the number of hours 
worked overtime in two haptas. The total man-hours worked in addition 
to the normal working hours were 703. Here also the figures are subject 
to the same remarks as in the case of the figures for Bombay. The two 
Sholapur mills reported an aggregate of 846} overtime hours in July 

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