Full text: Report on an enquiry into wages and hours of labour in the cotton mill industry, 1926

and 49-65 for reelers. In Sholapur the corresponding percentages 
are 26°92 and 17-37 respectively. As between the two main groups 
of male workers, the percentages for the pumbers who worked full time 
among both spinners and weavers in Ahmedabad are about the same, 
mz., 50 per cent. In Sholapur, only 20-83 per cent. weavers worked 
full time as against 43-36 per cent. spinners. In Bombay, spinners 
appear to be much more irregular than weavers and the difference be- 
tween the two separate percentages is very striking—24°09 as againct 
72:50. It is very frequently stated that it is not possible to work out 
accurate statistics for the attendance of weavers in Bombay because 
their absence is not recorded on the musters in view of the prevailing 
practice of the weavers paying their own substitutes. This may be 
true under ordinary normal circumstances but when the Census was 
conducted every mill included in the Enquiry was specifically instructed 
to keep separate registers for the month of July 1926 for recording not 
only the attendances of all weavers but also the earnings secured by 
single substitutes or by double substitute work. Eighteen out of the 
19 mills did this. In the remaining mill which employed about 400 
odd weavers the management reterned cent per cent. atterdance for 
all weavers. When subsequent enquiries were made into this it was 
reported that the attendance of the weavers was so good in the mill 
that it was not considered necessary to make special entries in separate 
musters. It was also stated that payment of wages had been made 
in all cases on the basis of a full 27 days work. 
60. Tables Nos. VII to IX, printed at pages 84 to 89 show, by 
Departments, separately for men, women and all adult operatives, and 
in the case of Ahmedabad and Sholapur, for children and all operatives 
including children, the figures for percentage absenteeism t each 
centre. These percentages are worked out oa the basis of the aggregate 
number of days actually worked in relation to the aggregate of the 
possible man-days. No account is taken of “ Grace ” days. Frequency 
tables were not possible for these centres owing to the maximum 
ounber of working days varying from mill to mill, which would mean 
that 24 days represents the maximum in ove case and three days 
absence in another, 
61. The following table summarises the position with regard to 
percentage absenteeism for different age and sex groups «t each centre :-— 
Age and Sex Group 
"Bombay .. 
Ahmedabad .. 
Bombay “ 
Ahmedabad .. 
Number of 
12,072* | 11-86% 
+3,016 7-40 
810 10-81 
TETTIT eei——— mn -— -— -— a —— 
* The corresponding figures excluding winders and reelers are 5,396—6- 11 per cent.

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