Full text: Report on an enquiry into wages and hours of labour in the cotton mill industry, 1926

85. The following table shows the average daily earnings ip the four 
stated occupations in each of the nineteen wills covered by the Enquiry 
in Bombav City together with the averages for the centre — 
Average Daily Earnings in July 1926 for 
Average ..! 
{Two Loom) 
Rs. a. pe 
115 9 
1 14 10 
116 7 
112 10 
110 9 
L 9 1 
113 4 
2 1 2 
112 10 
113 2 
2 1 6 
112 0 
1 9 4 
112 4 
L115 2 
112 0 
2 0 4 
| 12 4 
1 12 4 
Rs. a. p. 
tL 05 
015 8 
015 9 
015 8 
I 05 
015 0 
014 3 
014 3 
n 15 11 
L 05 
I 0 5 
015 7 
[I 0 3 
1 0 6 
015 10 
1 0 2 
0 15 10 
I 211 
Ft 1 
Rs. a. p. 
2 7 3 
112 7 
2 3 8 
2 5 8 
110 3 
2 0 6 
2 2 4 
214 0 
112 11 
2 9 1 
2 2 3 
115 3 
i12 0 
112 3 
2 1 8 
210 3 
>» | 9 
Grey winders— 
P* (Women) 
Rs. a. p. 
015 5 
011 10 
0 9 7 
013 1 
013 4 
612 & 
011 0 
0 91 
012 3 
010 4 
010 7 
0 910 
0 8 3 
0c 9 8 
015 3 
010 8 
012 5 
011 6 
012 131 
011 6 
* P=Meaus on Piece Rates. Tt T=Means on Time Rates. 
86. As will be seen from this table the earnings of Weavers vary 
between Rs. 1-9-1 and Rs. 2-1-6 per day, those of Siders between annas 
14-3 and Rs. 1-2-11 per day, those of Warpers between Rs. 1-10-3 and 
Rs. 2-14-0 per day and those of female Grey Winders between annas 8-3 
and annas 15-5 per dav. 
MO BR 26—2a

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