Full text: Report on an enquiry into wages and hours of labour in the cotton mill industry, 1926

from Part IT of the form. The data returned in Part I were therefore 
scrapped, and the average monthly earnings were arrived at by sep- 
arately summing the * number paid during the month, >’ and “ the aggre- 
gate number of days worked ” for each occupation group for all the mills 
xu the territorial unit required, dividing the second by the first of these 
bwo sums and multiplying the result by the average daily earnings 
ready ascertained. The averages for centres were weighted averages, 
101. In the 1926 Enquiry figures for each individual worker were 
returned. Average daily earnings were arrived at by summing the 
figures for ““ Net monthly earnings > for different individuals included 
in each occupation in each sex and age group engaged as time-workers 
or piece-workers respectively, and the figures tor the number of days 
actually worked, and by dividing the former by the latter. Average 
monthly earnings were calculated by summing the “net monthly earn- 
ings ” for all the individuals included in the group and dividing the total 
by the aumber of individuals included in the group. 
Manner of the Presentation of the Results 
102. Table No. X (pages 90 to 98) gives, separately for 
men and women, the total number of workers in each occupation, the 
average number of days worked, the average monthly earnings, the 
average daily earnings, the number working full time, and the average 
monthly earnings of full-time workers in the nineteen selected mills in 
Bombay City and Island in Jvly 1926. Table No. XI (pages 99 
to 105) gives, separately for men, women and children, the number 
of workers in each occupation in the sixteen selected mills in Ahmedabad 
City and the average daily earnings in two ha pias with a preponderating 
aumber of days in May 1926. For reasons given in paragraph 26 no 
figures are presented for average number of days worked, average mon- 
thly earnings, number of operatives working full-time and the average 
monthly earning, of full time workers. Possible earnings for a full 
working month of 27 days are, however, given. Table No. XII 
(pages 106 to 110) gives the results for the two selected mills in 
Sholapur for July 1926 in the same way as Table’ No. X does for 
103. In the Reports of the 1921 and the 1923 En quiries, the averages 
for those occupations which are common to all departments such as 
Mukadams, Nawghanies (trained lifters) Carpenters, Fitters, Oilers, 
Mochies (Cobblers), Coolies and Sweepers were shown. separately for 
each department in which workers in these occupations were found. 
For the purposes of the 1926 Enquiry it was considered that it would 
be better, in view of rates of wages for workers of each class in the diffe- 
rent departments of individual units being similar, if all workers in each 
of these occupations were grouped together. The averages for these 
occupations are therefore shown at the end of each Section for men 
and womeaq in Tables Nos. X, XI and XII. In view of the defects of 
the 1921 Enquiry no comparison is made in this Report between 
1914, 1921 and 1926.

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