Full text: Report on an enquiry into wages and hours of labour in the cotton mill industry, 1926

121. As it is not possible to set out in summary form all the figures 
regarding average daily and monthly earnings and the numbers working 
full time and their average monthly earnings for each of the sixteen 
different groups of workers dealt with in the above table for each centre 
the tollowing table only gives figures for average daily earnings for each 
group included in the table. For full particulars regarding average 
monthly earnings, numbers working full time and their average 
monthly earnings in Bombay and Bholapur, reference may be made to 
Tables Nos. X and XII, and for potential earnings for 27 days’ work to 
Table No. X1 for Ahmedabad :— 
Average Daily Earnings of Winders 
Average daily earnings in 
Sex Groups 
Class of 
Bombay on 
Ahmedabad on 
Time | Piece 
Rates Rates 
Sholapur on 
Time | 
Rates | 
Rs. a. p./Rs. a. p.|Rs. a. p.|Rs. a. p./Rs. a. p..Rs. a. p. 
Grey Winders ..; 0 12 0/0 10 1/012 1] 0 14 10 I. 
Colour Winders . 1 oimo 9 11 23 .. + 
Pirn Winders ../ 015 61 2 0015 8 .. 0 710 .. 
(Cheese Winders . O10 9 oo 
All Winders ..i 0 14 on 1 1 4 013 3] 015 200 710 
Women . 
Grey Winders .. 
Colour Winders 
Pirn Winders .. 
Cheese Winders. 
011 2/011 9 .. i011 9 
010 110141110 8 6014 6 
013 6013 8013 4 .. 
016 0/012 40 91111 0 © 
A1l Winders | O13 1l 012 1 O11 . O19 7 
0 6 2 
a 6 § 
Od BR a 
122. Male winders in all cases earned higher wages than women 
except in the case of Grey Winders on piece rates in Bombay 
but as there was only one male grey winder returned in this group the 
figure is not a comparable one. Female workers in the predominant 
groups—2,387 Grey winders on piece rates in Bombay and 434 Grey 
winders on piece rates in Ahmedahad—earned the same average daily 
(5) Reelers 
123. Reeling is an occupation in which female operatives are 
predominantly employed in all centres of the cotton mill industry 
in the Bombay Presidency. In Bombay, all the 2,044 reelers 
returned were women. In Ahmedabad, 429 out of the 483 reelers 
returned or 88-82 per cent. were women, whilst in Sholapur only one out 
of 381 reelers was a man. The combined ficures for all centres

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