Full text: Report on an enquiry into wages and hours of labour in the cotton mill industry, 1926

were granted a bonus only in two mills one of which was curiously 
snough the one which gave no bonus to Tenters. It would be generally 
srue to say that in the majority of cases Head Jobbers and Jobbers were 
not covered by bonus schemes in the five departments dealt with. 
139. In the Ring Spinning Department one mill gave bonus only to 
Jiders and another only to Doffer Boys. In the fourteen mills where 
bonuses were given the most important occupations were generally 
covered but only two mills extended the system to Head Jobbers, six to 
Tobbers and four to Doffer Jobbers and Banders. In the Warping 
Department one mill gave bonus to Warpers only and one mill to Creelers 
only. A third mill gave it to Creelers and Beam Carriers but not to 
Warpers. The remaining mills gave no bonus at all in this Department. 
The method of its treatment in the Sizing Department is still more 
curious. Out of the four mills which had the system for this depart- 
ment, one mill gave it for all occupations except Beam Carriers and 
another mill gave it to Beam Carriers only. The third mill covered 
Front Sizers and Beam Carriers only and the fourth only Back Sizers. 
140. Weavers were not covered by bonus schemes in any of the 
nineteen mills included in the Enquiry. One mill, however, granted 
bonus to Fancy Jobbers and two mills to Beam Carriers. It is not 
necessary to deal with the remaining departments where the same lack 
of uniformity in the method of its treatment prevailed. For purposes 
of broad generalisation it may be stated that a bonus is generally given 
to workers on time rates of wages, excluding those in the maintenance 
departments, and not to operatives on piece rates of wages. 
(2) Ahmedabad 
141. The system of granting bonuses is prevalent to a much 
greater extent in Ahmedabad than in Bombay. In Ahmedabad 
out of the sixteen mills which were covered by the Census two 
were purely spinning mills and two were purely weaving mills. Only 
one mill out of the twelve mills which had both spinning and weaving 
sections gave no bonus in the departments connected with spinning. 
With the exception of this case all the remaining mills in Ahmedabad 
which were covered by the Enquiry granted bonuses. In the Mixing 
and Waste Room, Machine Tenters were given a bonus in six mills and 
Nawghanies in three mills. In the Blow, Carding and Drawing Depart- 
ments twelve mills granted bonuses in the case of almost all the main 
occupations, the only occupations not covered being Head Jobbers and 
Jobbers who, as a matter of fact, were not granted any bonuses in any 
of the Ahmedabad mills. In the Slubbing, Intermediate and Roving 
Frame Department twelve mills gave bonus to workers in practically 
all occupations and one mill only to Doffers. Inthe Ring Spinning 
Department, Siders and Doffers were covered in thirteen out of the 
fourteen mills with spinning sections. Four out of these thirteen mills 
limited the system to Siders and Doffers only and other workers were not 
included in the scheme, but in the remaining nine mills operatives 
in most of the other occupations in this Department were also covered. 
No bonus was paid in any mills in the Calendering, Sizing, Warning,

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