Full text: Report on an enquiry into wages and hours of labour in the cotton mill industry, 1926

anits. The amounts of bonus granted for particular occupations also 
vary as between different units. The amount to be paid is reckoned at 
so much per day or per week or per kapla or per fortnight or per month, 
or at so much for so many days. In the case of Bombay and Sholapur 
the number of days in the last case may be working days in the month 
or 26 or 27 with the same differences in the methods of calculation as 
in the case of basic rates of wages. In the case of Ahmedabad the 
number of days may be 12, 14 or 16 or any other number varying 
from 22 to 32 either according to the number of working days or actual 
days in a hapta, or in two kaptas or in a month. In the case of the 
Bonus for Regular Attendance the basis of payment is generally the week 
—every operative who puts in full attendance during the week without 
any absence being entitled to receive the bonus fixed for that week 
or a proportionate amount if the bonus isto be calculated per hapla or 
per month or per the number of days fixed for the rate. In some cases 
full attendance for all working daysin a fortnight is required and the 
absence of even quarter of a day cancels the right to bonus. The only 
similarity in the method of the treatment of the attendance bonus is 
that it is a time rate at all centres and has no relation to earnings from 
piece rates where piece workers are included in bonus schemes. In the 
Sholapur mills every child or half timer who attends the mill for half the 
day and the mill school for the rest of the day receives a daily payment 
of half an anna. A weekly bonus of two annas per head is also given if 
a complete week’s work is put in. Tt is not possible in view of the very 
wide variations which exist both in the rates at which bonus is paid and 
the period for which it is calculated to arrive at any generalisations with 
regard to the manner and method of its payment. 
145. In the main tables figures are given in connexion with only 
those departments where bonus is paid and not with relation to 
bhe total number of workers returned. As it would be interesting, 
however, to show the number of workers covered in comparison with 
those returned the following three summary tables give, for Bombay, 
Ahmedabad and Sholapur respectively, figures for the numbers of workers 
who earned the bonus in relation both to the total number returned and 
the number covered by bonus schemes in each sex and age group, 
(1) Bombay 
Total number returned .. a. 
Number covered by Bonus Schemes £4] 
Percentage of number covered to number 
Number who secured the Bonus , 
Percentage of those who secured Bonus to 
number returned. 
Percentage of those who secured Bonus to 
number covered. 
10,939 3,956 
28-5 32-8 
774 88-1 
All Operatives 

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