Full text: Referendum on the report of the Special Federal Reserve Committee

1bers or less is entitled to one dele- 
r each 200 additional members in 
5 one additional delegate, but no 
1 is entitled to more than ten dele- 
» vote shall be valid unless received 
ctary within 45 days of the date of 
; of the pamphlet. In connection 
te each organization member may 
tplanation, comment, or opinion as 
rding the pamphlet it shall be the 
Secretary to advise each organiza- 
r of the date on which the right to 
£s expires. 
9. If before the expiration of 45 
the date the pamphlet was sent out 
senting more than two-thirds of the 
igth of the organization membership 
ed in favor of the propositions sub- 
ny of them, the Secretary shall im- 
ertify that fact to the Board of Di- 
‘hereupon, the propositions so ap- 
1be recorded as having been adopted 
mber and it shall be the duty of the 
lirectors to take such steps as may be 
» make effective the action taken. 
expiration of 45 days one-third of 
strength of the Chamber has been 
id two-thirds of the vote thus cast 
yr at least twenty (20) states is in 
€ propositions submitted or any of 
scretary shall so certify to the Board 
s. ‘Thereupon the proposition so 
hall be recorded as having been 
the Chamber and it shall be the duty 
1 to make effective the action taken. 
0. On a question submitted to ref- 
organization member found to have 
the minority shall be deemed to 
tanding in this Chamber by adher- 
osition or by continuing its efforts 
. Upon approval by the Council 
Directors a member may be per- 
etition to place upon the program 
for consideration at the annual meeting a ques- 
rion which has not been submitted in advance 
by mail as hereinbefore provided for, but such 
a question shall not be considered if one-third 
of the delegates present object thereto, and its 
submission by mail as hereinbefore provided for 
shall be ordered on the recording of a two- 
thirds vote in favor of that method of pro- 
(a) On all questions before a meeting of this 
Chamber, on which a vote is taken viva voce, 
or by division, each duly accredited delegate 
‘rom an organization member shall be entitled 
0 one vote in person. A yea and nay vote may 
be ordered on any question upon demand of 
ne-fourth of the delegates present officially rep- 
"esenting such organization members and on 
uch ballot only the votes of said members shall 
»e counted. On all yea and nay votes each or- 
zanization member shall be entitled to as many 
rotes as there are delegates present representing 
iaid member, subject to the provisions of Article 
VI, Section 3. All yea and nay votes shall be 
fully recorded and published in the proceedings. 
An affirmative vote of two-thirds shall be nec. 
:ssary to carry the approval of the Chamber of 
Commerce of the United States of America 
1pon any proposition or resolution which may 
ippear upon the official program or be added 
hereto as provided for by these By-Laws: Pro- 
vided, That such a vote shall be void and of 
10 effect unless the attendance registered at the 
neeting shall represent one-third of the voting 
strength of the Chamber from at least twenty 
'20) states. 
(b) The list of questions to be considered 
1t each annual meeting shall be mailed to each 
member at least 30 days in advance of such 
(c) No question shall be received from an 
organization member for submission to the 
Chamber at the annual meeting within 40 days 
of the date of said annual meeting, except in 
case of emergency and unless by a two-thirds 
vote of the Board of Directors. ’

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