Full text: The Department of Labor and Industry

(g) To receive reports of industrial accidents to persons, and to 
direct the investigation of such accidents, and prescribe means for the 
prevention of similar accidents; 
(h) To issue orders for removing or safe-guarding against hazards 
that may cause accidents to employes, as may now or hereafter be pro- 
vided by law. 
Section 2203. Investigations.—The Department of Labor and Indus- 
try shall have the power to make investigations and surveys upon any 
subject within the jurisdiction of the department, either upon its own 
Initiative or upon the request of the Industrial Board. 
Section 2204. Statistiecs.—The Department of Labor and Industry 
shall have the power to collect, compile, and transmit to the Depart- 
ment of Property and Supplies for publication, statistics relating to 
labor and industry, to organizations of employes, and to organizations 
of employers. 
Section 2205. Rules and Regulations.—Subjeet to approval by the 
Industrial Board, the Department of Iiabor and Industry shall have 
the power to make rules and regulations for carrying into effect the 
laws regulating the labor of persons within this Commonwealth, and 
the construction, ventilation, and equipment of the rooms, buildings, 
or places where such labor is performed, or where public assemblies 
are held, and to enforce all such rules and regulations. Promptly upon 
the approval of such rules and regulations by the Industrial Board, 
the department shall make public announcement of their adoption, 
and shall transmit them to the Department of Property and Supplies 
to be by it published in such quantity as to enable the Department of 
Labor and Industry to supply copies of the same to persons applying 
Section 2206. Mediation and Arbitration.—The Department of 
Labor and Industry shall have the power, and its duty shall be, when- 
ever a difference arises between an employer and his employes with 
regard to wages, hours, or conditions of employment, to send a repre- 
sentative of the department promptly to the locality in which such 
difference exists, and endeavor by mediation to effect an amicable settle- 
ment of the controversy. If such settlement cannot be effected, and the 
dispute is submitted for arbitration, the department, in the event of the 
failure of representatives of employer and employes to name an im- 
partial person to act as chairman of the board of arbitration, shall, if 
requested by the parties to the dispute, seleet such person to act as 
such chairman. 
Section 2207. Women and Children.—The Department. of Labor 
and Industry shall have the power, and its duty shall be: 
(a) To make studies and investigations of the special problems eon- 
nected with the labor of women and children: 
(b) To create the necessary organization, and to appoint an ade- 
quate number of inspectors, to enforce the laws and rules and regula- 
tions of the department relating to the work of women and children. 
Section 2208. Workmen’s Compensation.—The Department of Labor 
and Industry shall have the power, and its dutv shall be :

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