Full text: The Department of Labor and Industry

(a) To administer and enforce the laws of this Commonwealth, as 
now existing or hereafter enacted, relating to workmen’s compensation: 
Provided, however, That the Workmen's Compensation Board and the 
Workmen’s Compensation Referees shall perform their respective duties 
independently of the Secretary of Labor and Industry, or any other 
official of the department, except that all clerical, stenographic and 
other assistance required by the Workmen's Compensation Board and 
the several Workmen’s Compensation Referees shall be appointed by 
the department as provided in this act; 
(b) To receive and classify reports of all accidents; to receive and 
approve or disapprove agreements, supplemental agreements, receipts, 
final receipts, and other papers in workmen’s compensation eases, which 
have heretofore been subject to approval by the ‘Workmen's Compen- 
sation Board, and to notify the parties of its approval or disapproval 
within thirty days after receipt of such agreements, supplemental agree- 
ments. receipts, final receipts, or other papers, as provided by law; 
(e) To follow up all cases in which workmen’s compensation agree- 
ments shall have been filed, and see that such agreements are fulfilled 
1 accordance with the provisions thereof and the laws of this Common. 
wealth ; 
(4) To advise injured workmen of their rights under the work: 
men’s compensation laws; 
(e) From time to time, to divide the State into such number of 
workmen’s compensation districts as it may, with the approval of the 
Executive Board, deem advisable for the proper administration of the 
workmen’s compensation laws; 
‘£} To receive and refer to the Workmen’s Compensation Board 
aims in contested cases, and mail decisions of the Workmen’s Compen- 
sation Board, and of Workmen’s Compensation Referees! in all con- 
tested cases. to claimants and defendants; 
(g) To render to the Workmen’s Compensation Board any reason 
able assistance requested by the board in the conduct of its work; 
(h) Except in cases in which the Commonwealth’s liability there- 
for is covered by insurance, to prepare and issue to the Auditor General 
certificates or requisitions for the payment of workmen 's compensation 
to injured employes of the Commonwealth. 
Section 2209. Rehabilitation.—The Department of Labor and In- 
dustry shall have the power: 
(a) To render aid to persons injured in industrial pursuits, to ar- 
range for medical treatment for such persons, and procure artificial 
limbs and appliances to enable them to engage in remunerative oc- 
(b) To make surveys to ascertain the number and condition of 
physically handicapped persons within the Commonwealth; 
(¢) To cooperate with the Department of Public Instruction in 
arranging for training courses in the public schools, or other education- 
al institutions, for persons injured in industrial pursuits, and to ar- 
range for such courses in industrial or agricultural establishments;

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