Full text: The Department of Labor and Industry

The departmental service was approved as an 
Executive Bureau, July 21, 1927, and administers 
general departmental procedure. It prepares bills 
to be presented to the General Assembly for enact- 
ment, and studies legislation introduced. 
The files and records section has charge of all 
filing of general correspondence of the Department, 
which now totals more than 300,000 names and is 
increasing at the rate of 500 each month. 
The duplicating section includes all photographing, mimeographing, 
and multigraphing, and has charge of a general mailing list of 23,725 
names; and a special mailing list of 27,185 to whom are sent depart 
mental documents of interest to particular groups. 
This section prints registration numbers on the ad- 
hesive stamps for the Bureau of Bedding and Up- 
holstery, totaling more than 4,000,000 per annum. 
The editorial section issues a regular monthly 
bulletin, ‘‘Labor and Industry; and special bulle- 
tins from time to time; edits the decisions of the 
Workmen’s Compensation Board and the decisions 
of the courts in workmen’s compensation cases, 
annually, as well as all industrial standards pub- 
tished by the Department. This section furnishes 
to newspapers throughout the 
Commonwealth information con- 
cerning the Department’s activities which is con- 
sidered of interest and importance to the public; 
and also examines and distributes all newspaper 
olippings pertaining to the Department. 
The Executive Bureau has jurisdiction over the 
Department library ; keeps the personnel records of 
about 750 employes, and has charge of the requisi- 
tioning of all supplies and equipment for the entire 
Department and its branch offices. 
Lincoin C. Carson 
Director of Publleity

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