Full text: The Department of Labor and Industry

The Bureau of Workmen's Compensation is a 
clearing house for the workmen’s compensation 
system. The function of the Bureau is to administer 
the law pertaining to the reporting of industrial 
accidents, and in conjunction with the Workmen's 
Compensation Board, to administer the law requir- 
ing the paying of compensation to employes injured 
in the course of their employment, as well as pay- 
ment of medical, surgical, and hospital expenses, 
medicines, and supplies during the first thirty days after disability 
al industrial accidents resulting in a disability of two days or 
more must be reported to the Bureau of Workmen's Compensation. 
The law fixes a penalty of $100.00 for failure to report accidents of 
this character within 30 days after disability begins. When acci- 
dent reports are received by the Bureau the cases 
are followed up for the purpose of securing for 
injured employes the benefits of the Workmen’s 
Compensation Law. An employer may reject the 
provisions of the Workmen’s Compensation Law 
but in so doing a specific agreement in writing 
must be entered into between the employer and 
smploye at the time of hiring. Notice of the re- 
jection must be filed with the Bureau -at Harris- 
burg, Pennsylvania. When the employer rejects the 
Compensation Act he becomes liable under Com- 
mon Law with all his defenses removed, with the 
exception of cases of intoxication on the part of 
the employe, or the employe’s reckless indifference to danger. An 
employer automatically comes under the provisions of the law, when 
it is not rejected, and must cover his liability for the payment of 
compensation by either insuring with the State Workmen's Insurance 
Fund, a stock or mutual insurance company, or apply to the Bureau 
for the privilege of carrying his own insurance. If the last course 
is followed, the employer must prove to the satisfaction of the Bureau 
his financial ability to carry his own insurance before this privilege 
is granted. The Bureau may at any time require an employer, oper- 
ating as a self-insurer, to furnish bonds or other securities to guaran- 
tee the payment of his outstanding compensation liability. The law 
carries a penalty for failure to comply with the compulsory insurance 
provisions and the Bureau of Workmen’s Compensation is charged 
with the enforcement of this Section of the Act. 
When accident reports are received, the cases are followed up to 
jetermine whether injured employes are securing the benefits provided

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