Full text: The Department of Labor and Industry

In addition to any general educational work the Bureau might do 
in the carrying out of its routine work, it is engaging in certain special 
forms of educational work such as assisting in the formation of com- 
munity safety organizations; in cooperating with existing local organi- 
zations already established ; in the holding of safety conferences through 
the furnishing of speakers and by making efforts to increase the at- 
tendance. The Bureau takes a leading part in the development of the 
program and other features of the annual state-wide conferences. It 
is prepared to assist any organization interested in accident-prevention 
work in the educational phase of its program. 
The function of the Hygiene and Sanitation Section of the Bureau 
of Industrial Standards is to deal with the problem of health as affected 
by employment. All reports of industrial accidents received by the 
Compensation Bureau refers to this section all reports of disabilities 
caused by disease. In the present Workmen’s Compensation Law 
“Injury’’ and ‘personal injury’’ as used in that Act ‘‘mean only 
violence to the physical structure of the body, and such disease or 
infection as naturally results therefrom.”’ Reports of disabilities aris- 
ing in the course of employment other than those coming under that 
classification are not received in large numbers. They do not, in any 
degree, indicate the frequency with which the industrial population 
of the state is being disabled by materials or through methods of manu- 
facture carrying with them a health hazard. They do, however, offer 
an avenue of approach, and, together with reports from other sources 
of clearly defined, or of supposed cases of industrial disease, are in- 
vestigated and suggestions are made for removing the conditions re- 
sponsible for them. This service is sought by employers, employes, 
physicians, and other interested persons. 
In addition to dealing with these individual cases, it receives infor- 
mation on health hazards in general, studies the conditions producing 
such hazards, or, without specific reports on such conditions, initiates 
studies of related problems. If the carrying on of such studies requires 
technical knowledge and equipment not available in the Department 
of Labor and Industry, the Hygiene and Sanitation Section calls on 
cooperating bodies of individuals to assist in the research necessary for 
their completion. The results of such investigation are made public 
through bulletins published by the Department. If definite dangers 
are found, the section recommends methods of eliminating them by 
means of regulations based on the findings, and developed and issued 
by the Department. This work is restricted because of the inability 
of the Department to enlist the aid of agencies not under its jurisdie- 
tion for the carrying on of needed investigation. Were it not hampered 
by such limitations increased service would be available for prompt 
technical research into a number of important problems which must 
now remain untouched. Adequate protective measures can be based 
only on facts. Since it is the function of this Department to develop 
these measures, it should, of necessity, be in a position to determine the 
conditions calling for such action. 
The Hygiene and Sanitation Seetion cooperates with the Bureau of 
[nspeetion by inviting the field inspectors to bring to the Section prob.

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