Full text: The Department of Labor and Industry

lations assists in informing employes, and in some cases employers, 
regarding the many benefits derived from the observance of the safety 
codes and provisions of the labor laws of Pennsylvania. 
In fact, the Bureau seeks to prevent industrial unrest from misunder- 
standings between employers and employes, if there be any possible 
way for such misunderstandings or grievanees to be adjusted. 
The law providing for mediation and arbitration of industrial dis- 
putes does not give authority for compulsory arbitration in any con- 
croversy. This feature of the law has the apparent approval of both 
the employers and employes. It is the desire of the Department of 
Labor and Industry to prove to both employer and employe that it is 
to the interest of both groups to meet the controversy as fair-minded 
men, and to consider all factors of the dispute. The Bureau endeavors 
to secure a settlement that will allow the employes to return to their 
work feeling that the settlement is just, thereby encouraging a mental 
attitude that will tend to greater efficiency in their work. 
In attempting to adjust an industrial dispute, this Bureau reecog- 
nizes the policy which must be followed if any successful results are 
to be expected. When a condition of industrial warfare exists in an 
industry and the leaders of the employes and the employing manage- 
ment have in consequence reached a point in their relationships where 
a crisis is imminent, experience and tact in adjusting labor disputes are 
required to get the contending parties together. 
The representatives of the Bureau are under strict orders to main- 
‘ain at all times a position of impartiality and to act in a way to prove 
the Bureau of Industrial Relations to be of benefit to the industries of 
‘he Commonwealth. 
Information received by the Director or the Mediators of the Bureau 
is eonsidered confidential and the work of the Bureau is constantly 
ander the direct supervision of the Secretary of Labor and Industry, 
whose attention is always directed to any serious industrial difficulty 
in which the Bureau is endeavoring to be of conciliatory service. 
The entire field staff of the other Bureaus of the Department are 
supplied with forms for the reporting of controversies and disputes in 
industry which may be adjusted by the representatives of this Bureau. 
It is desired that the Bureau receive the information of a labor dispute 
hefore the controversy has reached the stage of strike or lock-out, so 
that disputes may be adjusted with less Joss and less trouble to both 
smployer and employe. 
The Bureau also cooperates and acts jointly with the Division of 
Conciliation of the Federal Department of Labor, which maintains a 
number of Commissioners of Conciliation in Pennsylvania, to assist in 
the settlement of labor disputes. Many times strikes or other labor 
controversies extend beyond the limits of the State and the cooperative 
working agreement between this Bureau and the Federal Department 
of Labor, which operates in all States, results in the dispute being 
adjusted without the State mediators being handicapped by State limi- 

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