Full text: The Department of Labor and Industry

mately 35,000 accident reports are handled by this Division each year. 
Through branch offices, which the State Fund has established through- 
out Pennsylvania, assighments are sent to our various employes cover- 
ing these accidents and after they have been investigated and the facts, 
as set forth on the report checked, agreements are entered into for the 
payment of any compensation which may be due. All disbursements 
of moneys for the payment of compensation and medical expense is 
made by this Division. Some idea of the enormous sums of money paid 
out by the State Fund as compensation and medical expense, can be 
gathered from the fact that the average amount paid out for these 
purposes each year during the past three years, amounted to approxi- 
mately $2,500,000. This Division also conducts all correspondence re- 
lating in any way to the adjustment or payment of claims. 
This Division is maintained by the Fund for the purpose of rendering 
special service to policyholders whose risks are rated under the In- 
dustrial Rating Schedule or the Quarry Rating Schedule as approved 
by the Insurance Commissioner. A corps of safety engineers and in- 
speectors are conveniently located throughout Pennsylvania for the pur- 
pose of explaining to policyholders entitled to such service, how, by safe- 
guarding hazardous points of operation on the machines in their plants 
or the physical conditions of the building in which their equipment is 
housed, their accidents can be reduced and consequently their compen- 
sation insurance rates lowered. Inspections which are made by safety 
sngineers attached to the State Workmen's Insurance Fund do not 
govern the rating of the policies; they only serve the purpose of placing 
the equipment in the best possible shape so that when an inspector of 
the Pennsylvania Compensation Rating and Inspection Bureau makes 
an inspection on which the rate will be based, the policyholder may 
receive as many credits as possible applving to his comvensation in- 
urance rates. 
This Division of the State Fund, as a matter of convenience, is lo- 
cated at Greensburg, Pennsylvania, in the heart of the mining industry 
of Pennsylvania. Safety inspectors under the supervision of a chief 
mining engineer, make service inspections of coal mines insured with 
the State Fund for the purpose of safeguarding the working conditions 
in each mine so as to conform as much as possible to the Coal Mine 
Rating Schedule issued by the Coal Mine Rating Bureau. These in- 
spections are only of a service nature and are made for the purpose 
of inducing coal mine operators to remove as many hazards as possible 
from their mines and thereby hold their accident experience down, and 
consequently reduce their compensation insurance costs. Coal mines 
in Pennsylvania, subject to the Coal Mine Rating Schedule, are regu- 
larly inspected by inspectors attached to the Coal Mine Rating Bureau, 
on the basis of whieh inspection rates are published governing each 
This Division of the State Fund gathers all rating data having to do 
with payrolls, premiums, and losses applying to each individual poliey 
issued by the State Fund, and furnishes this data to the Pennsylvania 
Department of Insurance where it is used by the Rating Bureaus for the

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