Full text: Distribution and production in the Philadelphia Area

necessity for a two-hour ferry trip to reach the 
Maryland city. 
In determining the line between Philadelphia 
and Baltimore on the eastern shore of Chesapeake 
Bay, therefore, the usually accepted practice was 
followed of allowing fifty land miles for every two 
hours of water travel. The railroad time schedules 
oetween Philadelphia and points on the Eastern 
Shore are even more favorable to Philadelphia 
han the land travel factor. In computing the 
boundary the cost of the ferry ride and delays in 
meeting schedules are not considered. 
Pp e— 
Railroad As to the influence of railroad 
Travel facilities, distance was not the 
Focior only factor considered, but also 
train schedules, running time 
and frequency of service. As 
an example of this, it is seen that while Harrisburg 
is twenty miles nearer to Baltimore than to Phila- 
delphia, this city can be reached from Harrisburg 
in virtually the same running time. and by three 
times as many trains daily. Virtually the same 
situation exists with respect to Williamsport. 
The Philadelphia Market Area 
includes twenty-five counties in 
eastern Pennsylvania, ten in 
southern New Jersey, the entire 
state of Delaware, and six coun- 
ties on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. 
Although embracing only seven-tenths of one 
percent of the total area of the United States, the 
United States 
Total % 
2978,774 | oa 
121,572,000 5.3 
$85,680,000,000 | 6.0 
195,000 5.6 
8,325,000 7.9 
$10,950,000,000 7.7 
$62.750.000.000 £0 
’hiladelphia Market Area contains five percent of 
‘he national population, seven percent of the value 
of manufactured products, and six percent of the 
total spendable income. 
Philadelphia Overnight Trucking Area 
Extent The territory covered in this 
of Overnight Ye is 
approximate 5 square 
Coverage wy The rie of the 
highly developed distribution 
system afforded is apparent when it is shown that 
within this area, in addition to its tremendous popu- 
lation, there are 52,373 industrial establishments, 
employing 1,641,495 wage earners who are paid 
$2,335,744,000 annually, and who produce each 
year manufactured goods valued at $13,969,318,000. 
By virtue of definitely established schedules and 
wide coverage of territory, the manufacturer in 
Philadelphia may have his goods placed on a truck 
here late in the afternoon and delivered the follow- 
ing morning to his customer at virtually any point 
within the area. One large trucking firm in Phila. 
delphia maintains a twice-a-day service within a 
fifty-mile radius. 
Service in the overnight area is naturally best 
between the principal points. More than thirty 
regular motor truck companies operate nightly be- 
tween Philadelphia and New York. Philadelphia- 
made dress goods are placed on hangers in trucks 
here in the late afternoon and are on sale in New 
York department stores the next morning. 
The speed and regularity of motor freight serv- 
ice within the Philadelphia trucking area is made 
possible largely by the great network of modern 
improved highways which radiate in every direc 
tion from the city. 
Trucking Area 
United States 
Total % 
2,973,774 1 0.72 
121,672,000 | 18.5 
$85,680,000,000 20.8 
29 a 
Area (sq. mi) .. 
Population ...... 
3pendable Income 
‘Establishments .. 
Wage Earners .... 
Wages .......... 
Value of Produete 
Scheduled overnight trucking 
service keeps Philadelphia busi- 
ness houses and industries in 
daily contact with a vast terri- 
tory in which live more than 
16,000,000 persons who have total annual spendable 
incomes approximating $18,000,000,000. Long- 
haul, direct point-to-point motor freight service is 
maintained from Philadelphia to cities approxi- 
mately 150 miles distant, while way-freight motor 
truck service is maintained on a daily schedule 
within a radius of one hundred miles of the city. 
This overnight motor freight area extends to 
New York and Baltimore, through all of New Jersey 
except the extreme northwestern end, all of Dela- 
ware and eastern Pennsylvania. The area is 
bounded by Baltimore, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Scran- 
ton, Stroudsburg, New York City, Asbury Park. 
Atlantic City, Cape May and Lewes, Delaware. 
This area is one of the greatest concentration 
senters of population, wealth and business activity 

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