Full text: Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty and His Majesty the King of Roumania, with protocol, protocol of signature and exchange of notes

subjected to other or higher 
duties or charges than those paid 
on the like articles exported to 
any other foreign country. 
No prohibition or restriction 
shall be maintained or imposed 
on the importation of any article, 
produced or manufactured in the 
territories of either of the High 
Contracting Parties, into the 
territories of the other, which 
shall not equally extend to the 
importation of the like articles 
produced or manufactured in any 
other foreign country. 
No prohibition or restriction 
shall be maintained or imposed 
on the exportation of any article 
from the territories of either of 
the High Contracting Parties to 
the territories of the other which 
shall not equally extend to the 
exportation of the like articles to 
any other foreign country. 
Exceptions to the general rule 
laid down in the preceding para- 
graphs of this Article may only 
be made in the case of— 
(1) prohibitions or restrictions 
imposed in the interests of public 
security ; 
(2) prohibitions or restrictions 
regarding traffic in arms, ammuni- 
tion and implements of war, or, 
in exceptional circumstances, all 
sther military supplies: 
(3) prohibitions or restrictions 
imposed for the protection of 
public health ; 
(4) prohibitions or restrictions 
imposed for the protection of 
animals or plants, including pro~ 
tection against disease. degenera- 
tion or extinction, as well as 
measures taken against harmful 
seeds, plants and animals. 
deosebite sau mai ridicate decit 
acelea plitite pentru articole 
similare, exportate in orice alt 
stat strain, 
La importul oricirui articol, 
produs sau fabricat pe teritoriile 
decdreia dintre Inaltele Parti 
Contractante, in teritoriile Ce- 
teilalte Parti, nu se va mentine 
sau impune nici o prohibitiune 
sau restrictiune, care nu va fi 
deasemenea extinsi asupra im- 
portului acelorasi articole pro- 
duse sau fabricate in orice alt 
stat strain. 
La exportul vericirui articol 
lin teritoriile oricdreia dintre 
[naltele Parti Contractante in 
seritoriile celeilalte Parti nu se 
ve mentine sau impune nici o 
prohibifiune sau restrictiune, care 
nu va fi de asemenea extinsi 
asupra exportului de articole 
similare in orice alt stat striin. 
Exceptiuni la aceasti reguld 
general, stabilitd in alineatele 
precedente ale acestui articol, se 
pot face numai in caz de: 
(1) prohibitiuni sau restrictiuni 
impuse in interesul sigurantei 
publice ; 
(2) probibitiuni sau restrictiuni 
privitoare la traficul de arme, 
munitiuni gi instrumente de 
vizboi, sau, in imprejuriri ex- 
cepionale, la toate celelalte 
furnituri militare ; 
(3) prohibitiuni sau restrictiuni 
impuse pentru apirarea sinititii 
publice ; 
(4) prohibitiuni sau restrictiuni 
impuse pentruapirarea animalelor 
sau a plantelor, cuprinzind apira- 
rea contra bolilor, degeneririi sau 
disparitiunei lor, cit si misurile 
luate contra semintelor, plantelor 
81 animalelor diunatoare.

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