Full text: Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty and His Majesty the King of Roumania, with protocol, protocol of signature and exchange of notes

steads and harbours of the terri- 
tories of the High Contracting 
Parties, no privilege or facility 
shall be granted by either Party 
to vessels of any other foreign 
country or to national vessels 
which is not equally granted to 
vessels of the other Party from 
whatsoever place they may arrive 
and whatever may be their place 
of destination. 
In regard to duties of tonnage 
harbour, pilotage, lighthouse 
quarantine or other analogous 
duties or charges of whatever 
denomination, levied in the name 
or for the profit of the Govern- 
ment, public functionaries, 
private individuals, corporations 
or establishments of any kind, 
the vessels of each of the High 
Contracting Parties shall enjoy 
in the ports of the territories of 
the other treatment at least as 
favourable as that accorded to 
national vessels or the vessels of 
any other foreign country. 
All dues and charges levied for 
the use of maritime ports shall 
be duly published before coming 
into force. The same shall apply 
to the byelaws and regulations of 
the ports. In each maritime port 
the port authority shall keep 
open for inspection by all persons 
concerned a table of the dues and 
charges in force, as well as a copy 
of the byelaws and reculations. 
The provisions of this Treaty 
relating to the mutual concession 
of national treatment in matters 
of navigation do not apply to 
the coasting trade, in respect of 
which the subjects and vessels 
31 bazinurile teritoriilor Inaltelor 
Parti Contractante, nici un privi- 
egiu, sau inlesnire, nu poate fi 
acordat de una din Piri vaselor 
vreunui alt stat striin sau vaselor 
nationale, care si nu fie in mod 
egal acordat vaselor celeilalte 
Parti, de ori si unde ar veni, si 
oricare ar fi destinatia lor. 
ArricoLuL 22. 
Cu privire la taxele de tonal], 
de port, de pilotaj, far, caranting 
sau alte taxe sau impuneri 
analoage, oricum denumite, per- 
cepute in numele sau In bene- 
ficiul Guvernului, a functionarilor 
publici, particularilor, corpora- 
tiunilor sau stabilimentelor de 
orice naturd, vasele fiecirei Inalte 
Par{i Contractante vor beneficia, 
in porturile teritoriilor Celeilalte, 
de un tratament cel pujin tot 
atit de favorabil ca acel acordat 
vaselor nafionale sau vaselor 
vreunul alt stat strain. 
Toate taxele si impunerile 
percepute pentru uzul porturilor 
maritime trebues¢ publicate, in 
forma cuvenitd,inainte de intrarea 
lor in vigoare. Aceag dispo- 
zifiune se va aplica gi legilor 
speciale gi regulamentelor privi- 
boare la porturi. In fiecare port 
maritim, autoritatea portului va 
fine la dispozifia tuturor per- 
soanelor interesate, un tablou al 
dirilor si impunerilor in vigoare, 
precum 8i o copie a legilor 
speciale gi a regulamentelor. 
Dispozitiunile acestui tratat, 
referitoare la concesia reciprocg 
a tratamentului nafional in ches- 
tiunile de navigatie, nu se aplici 
cabotajului, ecu privire la care 
supusii 81 vasele fiecireia dintre

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