Full text: Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty and His Majesty the King of Roumania, with protocol, protocol of signature and exchange of notes

of each of the High Contracting 
Parties shall enjoy in the terri- 
tories of the other, treatment as 
favourable as that granted to the 
most favoured foreign country. 
In the event of the coasting 
trade of either Party being 
exclusively reserved to national 
vessels, the vessels of the other 
Party may nevertheless proceed 
from one port to another, either 
for the purpose of landing the 
whole or part of their cargoes or 
passengers brought from abroad, 
or of taking on board the whole 
or part of their cargoes or 
passengers for a foreign destina- 
tion. Such vessels shall, more- 
over, if engaged in trade to or 
from places not within the limits 
of the coasting trade so reserved, 
not be prohibited from the 
carriage between two ports of 
the territories of the first Party 
of passengers holding through 
tickets or merchandise consigned 
on through bills of lading to or 
from places not within the above- 
mentioned limits, and while 
engaged in such carriage these 
vessels and their passengers and 
cargoes shall enjoy the full privi- 
leges of this Treaty. 
The provisions of this Treaty 
relating to the grant of national 
treatment or the treatment 
accorded to the most favoured 
foreign country do not apply to 
the ships of the High Contracting 
Parties so far as concerns 
(1) fishing in the territorial 
waters of the High Contracting 
Parties ; 
(2) the application of special 
measures for the eneouragement 
of national shipping by means of 
subsidies ; 
(3) privileges granted to nauti- 
nal sports clubs: 
Inaltele Parti Contractante vor 
beneficia pe teritoriile Celeilalte, 
de un tratament totatit de favora- 
bil ca acel acordat statului strain 
celui mai favorizat. 
In cazul in care cabotajul 
oricireia dintre Pargi ar fi exclusiv 
rezervat vaselor nafionale, vasele 
celeilalte Parti vor avea totusi 
dreptul de a merge dela un port 
la cellalt, cu scopul, fie de a 
descdrca intreaga san o parte din 
incdredtura lor ori pasageri adusi 
din striinitate, fie de a incirca 
intreaga ori o parte din incirci- 
tura lor sau pasageri cu destinatie 
striind. Atare vase, de asemenea, 
in cazul in care fac comerf cu 
localititi in afard de limitele 
cabotajului astfel rezervat, nu vor 
fi impiedicate de a transporta 
Intre doud porturi ale teritoriilor 
primei Piryi, pasageri definind 
bilete de tranzit sau marfi con- 
signatd pe bazd de conosamente 
de transit, cAtre sau dela loca- 
litdyi in afari de susmentionatele 
limite, gi aceste vase vor beneficia, 
in timpul executirii acestui trans- 
port, impreund cu pasagerii si 
incircdturile lor, de toate privi- 
egiile acordate prin acest tratat. 
Dispozifiunile acestui tratat, 
referitoare la acordares trata- 
mentulul national sau al trata- 
mentului statului striin celui mai 
favorizat, nu se aplici vaselor 
Inaltelor Parti Contractante in 
ce priveste — 
(1) pescuitul in apele teri- 
toriale ale Inaltelor Parti Con- 
tractante ; 
(2) aplicarea de misuri speciale 
pentru incurajarea navigatiunei 
nationale prin subventii: 
(3) privilegiile acordate club- 
urilor de sporturi de api ;

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