Full text: Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty and His Majesty the King of Roumania, with protocol, protocol of signature and exchange of notes

a false indication of the origin, 
type, nature or special charac- 
seristics of such goods. 
[t is understood that the pro- 
visions of this Article do not 
impose any obligation to seize 
goods in transit. 
The procedure of enquiry and 
the enforcement of the measures 
referred to above shall be carried 
out in the territories of each 
High Contracting Party in con- 
formity with the domestic legis- 
lation of each Party either at 
the instance of the appropriate 
official authority or at the re- 
quest of persons or associations 
interested in the protection of a 
particular industry through the 
Intermediary of their properly 
qualified representatives. 
. In respect of goods which are 
imported into, or to which a 
mark or description has been 
applied within, the territories of 
ne of the High Contracting 
Parties, the competent authorities 
of that Party shall decide what 
descriptions, on account of their 
generic character, do not fall 
within the provisions of this 
The High Contracting Parties 
Agree in their relations with each 
dther to give effect in their 
serritories to the provisions of— 
(1) the conventions and statutes 
concluded at Barcelona in 1921 
respecting freedom of transit and 
navigable waterways of inter- 
national concern ; 
(2) the convention and statutes 
concluded at Geneva in 1923 
respecting customs formalities 
and railways. 
The High Contracting Parties 
agree that any dispute which may 
arise between them as to the 
nafurel sau caracteristicelor 
speciale a asemenea mirfuri. 
Este bine infeles cd dispo- 
ritiunile acestui articol nu impun 
rei o obligatie de a confisca 
narfuri in tranzit. 
Procedura de anchetd si apli- 
area Imasurilor mengionate mai 
us, se vor executa pe leritoriile 
iecareia dintre Inaltele Parfi 
‘ontractante in conformitate cu 
egislatia interna a fiecarei Parti, 
ie in urma inifiativei autoritagii 
ficiale cuvenite, fie la cererea 
ersoanelor sau asociatiilor in- 
ieresate in protectia unel anumite 
ndustrii, prin intermedial repre- 
entanfilor lor legalmente cali- 
Cu privire la mdarfuri, cari au 
‘ost importate in teritoriile uneia 
lintre  Inaltele Pari Con- 
ractante, sau cirora li s'a aplicat. 
n aceste teritorii o marci sau o 
lenumire, autoritifile competinte 
le acelei Piri vor decide care 
lenumiri, avdnd in vedere 
aracterul lor generic, nu cad 
ub prevederile acestui articol. 
Inaltele Piarfi Contractante 
sunt de acord si aplice in ra- 
sorturile lor reciproce, pe teri- 
soriile lor, dispozitiunile : 
(1) conventiunilor si statutelor 
ncheiate la Barcelona in 1921 
su privire la libertatea de tranzit 
i a cailor navigabile de interes 
nternational ; 
(2) conventiei si statutelor 
‘ncheiate la Geneva in 1923 cu 
orivire la formalititile vamale gi 
3ile ferate. 
Inaltele Parti Contractante 
sonvin ca orice diferend, care s'ar 
putea ivi intre ele cu privire la

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