Full text: Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty and His Majesty the King of Roumania, with protocol, protocol of signature and exchange of notes

At the moment of signing the 
I'reaty of Commerce and Naviga- 
tion of this day’s date the under- 
signed plenipotentiaries of His 
Britannic Majesty and His 
Majesty the King of Roumania 
agree as follows — 
(1) Goods produced or manu- 
lactured in the territory of lis 
Majesty the King of Iraq shall 
enjoy in Roumania completely 
and unconditionally the treatment 
of the most favoured foreign 
country so long as goods produced 
or manufactured in Roumania are 
accorded in the territories of His 
Majesty the King of Iraq treat- 
ment as favourable as that ac- 
corded to goods produced or 
manufactured in any other foreign 
(2) If at any time after the 
said Treaty of Commerce and 
Navigation has come into force 
His Majesty the King of Iraq 
shall desire to accede thereto and 
a notification to that effect shall 
be deposited on his behalf with 
the Government of Roumania the 
provisions of Articles 2 to 33 
(inclusive) of the said Treaty 
shall apply as from the date of 
the said notification between His 
Majesty the King of Roumania 
on the one part and His Majesty 
the King of Iraq on the other 
and shall continue so to apply 
until the expiration of six months 
from the date of a notice of 
termination given on behalf of 
sither of these High Contracting 
(3) The present Protocol shall 
be ratified and the ratifications 
shall be exchanged at Bucharest 
at the time of the ratification of 
the said Treaty of Commerce and 
Navigation or as soon as possible 
thereafter. It shall come into 
In momentul de a proceda la 
semnarea Tratatului de Comert 
si Navigatie inchelat astizi, 
plenipotentiarii - Majestitii Sale 
Regelui Roméniei gi a Majestitii 
Sale Britanice, semnati mai jos. 
au cizut de acord asupra celor 
ce nITeazd 
(1) Mirfurile produse sau fabri- 
sate pe teritoriul Majestdtii Sale 
Regelui Iraqului se vor bucura 
'n Roméinia in mod complect si 
jeconditionat de  tratamentul 
statului striin celui mai favorizat, 
tat timp cit mirfurile produse 
sau fabricate in Roménia se vor 
yucura pe teritoriul Majesttii 
Sale Regelui Iraqului de un 
;ratament tot atdt de favorabil 
1a acel acordat mirfurilor produse 
sau fabricate in orice alti tard 
(2) Dac oricind dupd intrarea 
n vigoare a susmengionatului 
lratat de Comert si Navigate, 
Iajestatea Sa Regele Iraqului va 
lori s3 adere la el sise va depune, 
n numele Siu, o notificare in 
west sens Guvernului Roméniei, 
lispozitiunile art. 2-33 (inclusiv) 
ale mentionatului tratat se vor 
wplica, dela data zisel notificdri, 
mtre Majestatea Sa = Regele 
Roméniei de o parte gi Majestatea 
3a Regele Iraqului de altd parte 
i vor continua si fie astfel 
wplicate pind dupd expirarea 
nui termen de 6 luni dela avizul 
je denunfare dat in numele 
oricireia dintre Inaltele Dirt 
(8) Protocolul de fai va fi 
-atificat si ratificirile se vor 
schimba la Bucuresti in acelas 
simp cu ratificirile susmenjiona- 
sului Tratat de Comer si Navi- 
ratie sau la cea mai apropriatd 
Jats dupi aceasta. Kl va intra

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