Full text: Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty and His Majesty the King of Roumania, with protocol, protocol of signature and exchange of notes

denomination other or higher 
than those which are, or shall be, 
applicable to the subjects of the 
other High Contracting Party or 
the subjects or oitizens of the 
most favoured foreign country. 
They shall also be permitted 
freely to export their property 
and their goods in general and 
shall not be subjected in these 
matters to any other restrictions 
or to any other or higher duties 
than those to which native sub- 
jects or the subjects or citizens of 
any other foreign country would 
be liable in similar circumstances. 
The subjects and companies of 
sither of the High Contracting 
Parties in the territories of the 
ther may, provided they con- 
form to the laws in force in those 
territories, employ for the pur- 
pose of carrying on their com- 
merce any agents whom they 
may think fit. 
The subjects and companies of 
cach of the Migh Contracting 
Parties in the territories of the 
other shall have free access to 
the courts of justice for the 
prosecution and defence of their 
rights without other conditions, 
restrictions or taxes beyond those 
imposed on native subjects and 
companies and shall, hke them, 
be at liberty to employ, in all 
causes, a8 their advocates, attor- 
neys or agents, persons chosen 
from among those admitted to 
the exercise of those professions 
according to the laws of the 
territories in question. 
The subjects of each of the 
High Contracting Parties in the 
territories of the other shall be 
exempted from all compulsory 
leosebitd sau mai ridicatd decat 
acelea cari sunt, sau vor fi aplica- 
bile, supugilor celeilalte ‘Inalte 
Parti Contractante sau supusilor 
ori cetiitenilor celui mai favorizat 
stat strdin. 
Ei vor avea deasemenea 
dreptul si exporteze in pling 
'ibertate proprietatea si mirfurile 
lor in general, si nu vor fi supusi 
'n aceastd privinti nici unei 
vestrictiuni sau nici unei taxe 
leosebite sau mai ridicate decAt 
acele la care sunt supusi, in impre- 
jurdri analoge, supusii nafionali 
sau supugii ori cetdtenii oricirui 
alt stat striin. 
ArTIicoLuL 8. 
Supusii sau societitile fiecireia 
lintre Inaltele Piri Contrac- 
ante, pe teritoriile Celeilalte, pot 
ntrebuinta, cu conditiunea de a 
se conforma legilor in vigoare pe 
acele teritorii, pentru exercitarea 
somertului lor, orice prepus 
fagent), pe care il vor gisi de 
Supusii gi societiitile fieciireia 
dintre Inaltele Parti Contrac- 
tante, pe teritoriile Celeilalte, vor 
avea liber acces la instantele 
judiciare pentru urmirirea 8i 
apirarea drepturilor lor, fird alte 
sonditiuni, restrictiuni sau taxe, 
‘n afard de acelea impuse supu- 
silor gi societitilor indigene, si 
vor avea dreptul, ca si acestia, si 
‘ntrebuinteze in toate cauzele, ca 
avocati, imputerniciti (attorneys) 
saul prepusi ai lor, persoane alese 
dintre acelea admise a exercita 
asemenea  profesiuni, conform 
legilor teritoriilor in chestinne 
Supusgii fiecireia dintre Inaltele 
Parti Contractante, pe teritoriile 
Celeilalte, vor fi scutiti de orice 
serviciu militar obligator. oricare

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