Full text: Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty and His Majesty the King of Roumania, with protocol, protocol of signature and exchange of notes

military service whatsoever, 
whether in the army, navy, air 
force, national guard or militia, 
and from the performance of all 
judicial, administrative and muni- 
cipal functions whatever, other 
than those imposed by the laws 
relating to juries. They shall 
also be exempted from all con- 
tributions, whether in money or 
in kind, imposed as an equivalent 
for such service or for the per- 
formance of such functions. 
The subjects and companies of 
one of the High Contracting 
Parties shall in no case be liable 
in the territories of the other to 
any military or civil requisitions 
other than such as may be levied 
on the subjects or companies of 
the other High Contracting 
Party, and shall be accorded 
adequate payment therefor, which 
shall in no case be less than the 
payment accorded in similar cir- 
sumstances to the subjects or 
compapies of the other High 
Contracting Party. Furthermore, 
in all matters relating to military 
or civil requisitions the subjects 
and companies of each of the 
High Contracting Parties shall 
not be accorded in the territories 
of the other less favourable 
treatment than that which is, or 
may be, accorded to subjects or 
citizens or companies of the 
most favoured foreign country. 
ArTtIicLE 10. 
The companies of either of 
the High Contracting Parties 
shall be entitled, in the territories 
of the other High Contracting 
Party, to exercise their rights 
and appear in the courts either 
as plaintiffs or defendants, subject 
to the laws of such other Party. 
Each of the High Contracting 
Parties undertakes to place no 
ar fi, fle in armatd, maring, 
wronauticd, gardd nationald sau 
militie, gi dela executarea oricdror 
functiuni judiciare, administra- 
ive si municipale oricare ar fi, 
in afard de acele impuse de legile 
privitoare la jurl. Ei vor f 
leasemenea scutiti de orice con- 
tribufiuni, fle in bani, fie in 
naturd, impuse ca un echivalent 
pentru acest serviciu sau pentru 
axecutarea acestor functiuni. 
Supusii si societiitile uneia 
lintre Inaltele Parti Contrac- 
ante nu vor i, in nici un ecaz, 
supusi pe teritoriul Celeilalte, la 
cechizitiuni  militare sau civile, 
wltele decit acelea la care ar 
outea fi Impugi supusii sau 
societitile celeilalte Inalte Pirti 
Contractante, gi 1i se va acorda, 
entru aceasta, platd adequati, 
are nu va putea fi in nici un caz 
nferioard sumelor acordate, in 
‘mprejuriri similare,supusilor sau 
societatilor celeilalte Inalte Parti 
Contractante.— DDeagsemenea, in 
wate chestiunile privitoare la 
"echizifiuni militare sau civile, 
supusii 81 societitile fiecireia 
lintre Inaltele Parti Contractante 
au vor putea avea, pe teritoriile 
Jeleilalte, un tratament Imai 
putin favorabil decdt acel care 
ste, sau ar putea fi acordat, 
supugilor sau cetdtenilor ori 
societitilor statului striin celui 
mal favorizat. 
Societitile fiecireia  dintre 
[naltele Parti Contractante vor 
i indreptitite, pe teritoriile 
seleilalte Inalte Parti Contrac- 
ante, si exercite drepturile lor, 
3i 84 apar® in fata instantelor 
judecitoresti, fie ca reclamanti, 
fie ca para{i, conform legilor 
acelei Inalte Parti. 
Fiecare dintre Inaltele Pirti 
Contractante se obligd si nu puni

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