Full text: Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty and His Majesty the King of Roumania, with protocol, protocol of signature and exchange of notes

like articles produced or manu- 
factured in any other foreign 
Articles produced or manufac- 
tured in ‘the territories of His 
Britannic Majesty shall not be 
subject on importation into 
Roumania to rates of import 
duty other or higher than the 
minimum rates of duty prescribed 
for the like articles in the 
Roumanian Tariff Law, which is 
or may be at any time in force. 
The provisions of the preceding 
Articles providing for the grant 
of the treatment accorded to the 
most favoured foreign country do 
not apply to— 
(a) privileges which are, or 
may be, accorded by one of the 
High Contracting Parties with a 
view to facilitating frontier 
traffic with adjacent countries in 
% zone not exceeding 15 kilo- 
metres on each side of the 
(b) special arrangements which 
may be made in tariff matters for 
the admission into Roumania of 
z00ds consigned to the Roumanian 
State for use in State enterprises 
in pursuance of financial settle- 
ments resulting from the late 
European war : 
iuse sau fabricate in ories alt 
stat strain. 
Articolele, produse sau fabri- 
sate pe teritoriile Majestdtii Sale 
Britanice, nu vor fi supuse la 
‘mportul lor in Roménia la taxe 
le import deosebite sau mai mari 
decat taxele minimale previzute 
pentru articolele similare fin 
Legea Tarifului Vamal Romén 
care este sau ar putea fi oricind 
in vigoare. 
Dispozitiunile articolelor pre- 
cedente stabilind acordarea trata- 
mentului statului strain celui mai 
favorizat. nu sunt aplicabile la: 
(a) privilegiile cari sunt sau 
ar putea fi acordate de citre una 
din Inaltele Pirti Contractante, 
cu scop de a inlesni traficul 
de frontierd cu tdrile limitrofe 
intr'o zond nedepdsind 15 kilo- 
metri de fiecare parte a frontierei ; 
(b) aranjamentele speciale cari 
ar putea fi ficute in chestiuni 
tarifare pentru admiterea in 
Roménia de mirfuri atribuite 
Statului Romén, spre a fi in- 
trebuintate in  intreprinderile 
Statului, ca urmare a aranja- 
mentelor financiare rezultind din 
rdzboiul trecut; 
(¢c) drepturile si privilegiile 
acordate la unul sau mal multe 
alte state limitrofe, in scop de a 
‘neheia 0 nniune vamala. 
(c) rights and privileges ac- 
corded to ome or several other 
adjacent States with a view to 
the conclusion of a Customs 
Articles produced or manu- 
factured in the territories of 
sither of the High Contracting 
Parties, exported to the terri- 
tories of the other shall not be 
Articolele produse sau fabricate 
pe teritoriile fiecireia dintre 
Inaltele Parti Contractante, ex- 
portate in teritoriile Celeilalte, 
nu vor fi supuse la taxe sau dari

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