Full text: Realities and problems

as it is known and practised in this country, is really beneficial 
or the point at which additional schooling is a waste of time and 
It may be pointed out, however, that in the new School Bill 
already introduced in the House of Commons, it is proposed com- 
pulsorily to extend education by one year, as from September, 1932, 
thus involving great additional expenditure, local and national, for 
the provision of schools, school accommodation, teaching staffs, ete. 
But having provided this additional facility, which on the face of 
it they must be presumed to regard as a benefit to the children 
and therefore to the parents, they propose to pay the parents for 
making use of it. It is not necessary to emphasise the inherent 
absurdity of these proposals, because in fact they have very little 
connection with education and are mainly an attempt to bring 
down the figures of unemployment by preventing young persons 
at any cost from going into employment for another year. It is 
estimated that on the introduction of the new scheme industry 
will lose one-fifth of its new recruits just at a time when there will 
be a national decline in the number of juveniles available for 
In any case, however, the money which is so expended involves 
an additional burden on the tax-payer and by so much reduces the 
capital available for industry, and therefore will eventually help 
to increase the very unemployment which the measure is intended 
to combat. 
There are other burdens to be imposed upon 
Government. Another Factory Bill is threatened. 
industry by the 
There is no desire in industry to escape proper obligations for 
ensuring life and health. Least of all is this the case in engineering. 
But Factory Acts commonly involve fresh capital expenditure 
to industry for the putting in of this or that precaution or changing 
of former protective appliances to comply with new and ngid 
demands. There never was a time when capital for such purposes 
is so difficult for industry to obtain. Also, new Factory Acts 
usually mean more inspectors. These have to be paid either 
directly by the industry or by the tax-payer. 
It is proposed to revise the legislation relating to Workmen's 
Compensation. On the basis of previous experience it is hardly 
reasonable to expect such revision to be in the direction of reduction 
In costs.

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