Full text: Modern business geography

Modern Business Geography 
Fig. 75. The vast stockyards of Chicago receive many thousands of cattle in a week. 
The dairymen in Denmark specialize in making butter. ‘Name two 
neighboring foreign markets to which they send it. 
Denmark buys much of the cottonseed cake that is left after our factories 
in the South have crushed out the cottonseed oil. Why do her dairymen 
consider this cottonseed cake valuable? 
How different breeds of cattle suit different purposes. 
Two of the most popular breeds of milch cows are the Holstein and the 
Jersey. The first is a large animal that gives an abundance of milk con- 
taining a low per cent of butter fat. The Jersey cow is a smaller animal. 
She does not give so much milk, but her milk is very rich in butter fat. 
Which breed is preferred by farmers who sell milk to be used as a raw 
product, and which by those who sell to butter factories? 
Would a cattleman in Wyoming purchase a large herd of either Holstein 
or Jersey cows? Why? Find out some other breeds of cattle that he 
might prefer. 
Distribution of beef cattle. 
How do you account for the fact that there are many beef cattle in the 
states from Texas northward, as shown in Figure 67? What conditions 
favor cattle raising in the western plateau and mountain states ? 
Why has Towa more beef cattle for its size than any other state in the 
Union? Why is the position of Iowa an advantage? 
Where does your own state stand as a raiser of beef cattle? Explain 
Why are Argentina and Australia important cattle-raising regions? How 
is 1t possible to market the beef in Europe? 

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