Full text: Modern business geography

Modern Business Geography 
To make a mine more healthful, therefore, the foul air is sucked 
out by “blowers” located usually at the mouth of a small air shaft, 
which causes fresh air to rush in through the main shaft. 
A visit to a mine. Perhaps the most interesting part of a 
mine is where the ore is being loosened, placed in cars, and started 
on its way to the upper world. The miner sometimes uses simply a 
hand drill and hammer to drill holes in the ores, but more often he 
is equipped with a machine drill operated by compressed air or steam. 
When the holes have reached the required depth, they are filled with 
explosives. Then a warning shout is given, and a fuse is lighted 
which burns slowly enough to let everyone get out of the way. Soon 
a muffled report is heard, and tons of the ore are hurled to the mine 
floor. The workmen return and pry down any loose fragments that 
might drop upon them. Then they shovel the ore into waiting cars, 
breaking with great hammers any fragments that are too large to be 
lifted readily. When full, the cars are pushed down to a main gallery, 
where they are soon picked up by a passing train and drawn to the 
foot of the shaft. There each car is placed in the elevator and lifted 
to the surface. 
After the ore leaves the mine it must be crushed and melted in 
Fic. 86. From North America and Europe (especially western Europe) comes most of the iron 
used in commerce and industry. Six great regions of ore deposits are now known: (1) the 
Lake Superior district; (2) the Lorraine district,.in France; (3) northern Sweden; (4) Cuba; 
(5) Newfoundland; (6) Brazil. Of these, the first three are now producing fields. The others 
have great reserves, but it is not at present profitable to work them extensively; none of the 
three is near to the fuel needed for smelting. In 1920, the United States smelted more than 
half the world’s output, Great Britain about an eighth of it, and France about a sixteenth. The 
amounts in Central Eurove and in Russia can onlv he estimated. as ficures are not available.

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