Full text: Modern business geography

Modern Business Geography 
F. Quarrying. 
1. Explain the difference between mining and quarrying. 
2. Let different individuals or committees report on each of the following: 
(a) granite ; (b) limestone, including marble and onyx ; (c) slate; (d) sand- 
stone; (e) clay. Use an outline similar to the one given on the preceding 
Is cement a primary or a secondary product? Bring to class an oral 
report on its production and uses. 
G. Mining countries of the world. 
1. Why is the United States the leading mining country of the world? 
2. Why do the following countries carry on relatively little mining ? 
Switzerland Italy Ireland Brazil 
China Norway Argentina Egypt 
Why do the following countries hold a fair position in mining? 
Mexico Spain Chile Sweden Japan 
Fig. 96. One of the quarries at Carrara, in Italy, where the finest marble for statuary is ob- 
tained. The ancient Romans and the Italians of the Middle Ages worked the auarrv. and mar- 
ble is still being cut there

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