Full text: Modern business geography

Modern Business Geography 
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The National Forests are cared for and managed by the Forest Service, which now 
controle about one fourth of the western forest lands 
Several kinds of wood from the Pacific forests almost rival the 
white pine in strength, durability, and smoothness, and excel it in 
beauty of color. Sailing vessels take great quantities of this lumber 
from Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, and San Francisco to the lands bor- 
dering the Pacific Ocean; they take it also through the Panama 
Canal to the eastern states, and even to Europe. It is not surprising 
that Oregon and Washington are the leading states in lumber pro- 
duction, and that the Douglas fir stands next to the yellow pine in 
importance as a source of lumber. The Pacific forest extends north- 
ward along the western border of Canada even into Alaska. 
The Alaskan forests. The forests of Alaska are sure to play an 
important part in mining, railroad construction, and home building, 
when such activities are developed on a large scale in that region. 
The southeastern part contains excellent forests of spruce, hemlock, 
and cedar. In the colder climate farther to the northwest and north, 
the forests dwindle both in extent and in the size of trees. Yet even 
in the interior of Alaska, the trees are large enough to be suitable for 
the pulp used in paper making. 
Our National Forests. Figure 109 shows the extent of forest lands 
that have been set apart by the government as National Forests. 
They are for the good of all the people. Sixty-five per cent of the 
money derived from the sale of trees, from rent for pasturage of an- 
imals. and from the rent of land for summer homes, goes into the

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