Full text: Modern business geography

Modern Business Geography 
18. What city on the Mississippi corresponds in position to Buenos Aires 
on La Plata? 
19. What corresponding city lies on the Rhine? 
20. What city on the Ganges? 
Besides being a center of waterways, Buenos Aires is the leading 
railroad center of the southern hemisphere, as appears in Figure 129. 
21. How many lines cross the Andes to Chile? 
22. What advantage does this railroad connection give Buenos Aires? 
23. What fractional part of South America can thus be regarded as tribu- 
tary to Buenos Aires? 
Buenos Aires exports great quantities of wheat, hides, wool, and 
quebracho wood. 
24. Where does Buenos Aires get these goods? 
25. Where does she find the largest market for them? 
26. From what region, then, would she be likely to import manufactured 
How one important luxury has caused the growth of two great cities. 
The island-dotted harbor of Rio de Janeiro, with its mountain setting 
and its luxuriant tropical vegetation, is one of the most beautiful in 
the world. Thehigh value of the commerce of Rio de Janeiro and of 
Santos results largely from their being the outlets of the plateau 
of Brazil, which produces nearly two thirds of the world’s supply of 
27. What difficulties have these ports had to meet in providing easy access 
to their up-country districts? 
28. How could people afford to build an extensive railroad system there? 
29. What primary product gives your family an interest in these ports? 
30. Suppose the world’s appetite for coffee should be lost; what would then 
happen to Santos and *‘ Rio »’? 
Effect of Montevideo’s position with relation to South America’s 
main primary products. Montevideo has a better natural harbor 
than Buenos Aires. It is 125 miles nearer the open sea, and the coun- 
try lying behind it receives a heavier rainfall. Yet the value of its 
commerce 1S less than one sixth that of Buenos Aires. 
31. In Figures 38, 39, 68, and 71, study the distribution of wheat, corn, 
cattle, and sheep, and study also a relief map, to explain why Monte- 
video, although a great city, cannot rival Buenos Aires.

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