Full text: Modern business geography

Modern Business Geography 
(b) Wind 
On water 
Sailing vessels with fish from the North 
Sea to Aberdeen 
Water pumped for household use at 
Mérida in Yucatan 
On land 
(c) Steam 
Locomotive engine 
Marine engine 
Wheat from the Black Earth region of 
Ukraine to Odessa 
A liner with ®*wool from Sydney to 
Petroleum through pipes from Baku to 
(d) Gasoline 
Tourists over the battle fields around 
Boats bringing milk to the doors in 
Mail and passengers from London to 
Passengers in the streets of Damascus 
Passengers and freight through the 
Simplon Tunnel 
Freight over good roads between Man- 
chester and Liverpool 
Loading freight and moving machinery 
on the docks at Hamburg 
Examine the pictures in this book. Classify the means of transportation 
shown in them under the preceding headings. Can you find pictures for 
all the headings? 
(e) Electricity 
Street car 
Make a table as nearly as possible like the one given above, using examples 
from the United States. Be able to locate each of your examples on the 
wall map. 
Make a list of all the means of transportation you observe during one 
week, numbering them according to the {able given above. Explain the 
influence of each of the following conditions on the kind of transportation : 
(a) kind of goods; (b) weight of load; (c) distance transported; (d) cost 
of power; (e) condition of road. 
Example. A woman, evidently a foreigner, is carrying a load of wood on her 
head. Number this I a, because in the table given above, No. I stands 
for human power, while ¢ means that the load is carried on the head. 
The kind of load, its weight, etc., are described as follows : 
I a. A woman carrying a load of wood on her head. 
Explanation. (1) Kindling wood picked up to cook with at home. Easily 
tied up and balanced.

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