Full text: Modern business geography

The Use of Ships 
class, the committee will give the reasons for the selections and will 
tell the type of cargo that will be carried, so that the other members may 
ve induced to invest in the company. 
D. Chief cargoes carried over routes through the Panama Canal. 
[. The leading commodities shipped through the canal, in the order of their 
tonnage, are grain, nitrates, coal, kerosene, lumber, and cotton. Why 
would you expect these commodities to lead in tonnage, rather than such 
goods as structural steel, canned goods, clothing, and straw matting? 
Select one commodity shipped on each of the four routes listed below. 
Find out (a) the country that probably produced the commodity; (b) the 
probable port of shipment; (c) the country to which it is probably be- 
ing shipped; (d) the probable importing port. In reporting to the class, 
use a map of the world or a large globe to show the full journey of the 
commodity. Explain your decisions. so that the class may judge of their 
[. United States coast- 
Canned fruit, canned sal- 
mon, lumber, pine- 
apples. sugar 
Coal, structural steel, 
machinery, a great 
variety of manufac- 
tured goods 
II. Pacific coast of 
North America 
to Europe 
Wheat, barley, canned 
fruit, canned salmon, 
Nitrates, iron ore, petro- 
leum, sugar, wool, 
Coal, structural steel, 
great variety of manu- 
factured goods 
[II. West coast of 
South America to 
the United States 
and Europe 
[V. Atlantic coast of 
the United States 
to the Far East 
Vlachinery, structural 
steel, clothing, great 
variety of manufac- 
tured goods 
Kerosene, raw cotton, 
machinery, great vari- 
ety of manufactured 
Straw matting, curios, 
rattan, bamboo, cin- 
namon, peanut oil 
silk. tea. wool 
The tonnage shipped through the canal from one coast of the United 
States to the other is nearly as great as the combined tonnage of the re- 
maining routes. Why is this? 
The Great Lakes. 
Draw a map of the Great Lakes. First trace the outline a few times. 
Then locate a few points and sketch the outline from memory. Print on your 
map the names of the lake cities mentioned in the text. Indicate the Soo and 
Welland canals. Mark the position of the iron mines near Lake Superior. 
The men who move the iron ore have this motto: ‘ Up by steam and down 
by gravity.” Explain how this applies (a) in the iron ranges: (b) at the 
Superior docks: (¢) at Cleveland : (d) at Pittsburch

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