Full text: Modern business geography

Transportation and the Location of Cities 20° 
Fra. 152. Ore docks at Chicago. 
[llinols Steel Company 
Look up the history and present transportation conditions of St. Louis. 
Describe how and when the growth of the city and of its transportation 
system has been connected with furs, cotton, railroad bridges, the Mis- 
souri River, and cattle ranches. 
Compare Pittsburgh and Cincinnati with respect to (a) rivers; (b) through 
railway routes; (c) coal, iron, and other commodities for transportation. 
Minneapolis, St. Paul, Kansas City, Omaha, and Louisville are all located 
on the Mississippi River system. What conditions of transportation or 
industry determined their position? Why is their river traffic of little 
Summary of great cities in the United States. 
On an outline map indicate the location and name of each city mentioned 
in this chapter, including the exercises. Label the rivers, bays, or lakes 
mentioned either in the chapter or in reports on the exercises. 
From Table 5, page 330, list the cities of the United States having a popu- 
lation of more than 300,000 and see if any have been omitted from this 
chapter and its exercises. If so, explain the reasons for their importance 
and the degree to which their position and growth depend on transportation. 
Study the location of Indianapolis. If the capital of Indiana had been 
placed fifty miles in any direction from its present location, would the 
growth of the city have been different? Compare Indianapolis in this 
respect with any other great city with which you are familiar. 
What important railway centers have a population of more than 200,000 
and do not have any kind of transportation by water? How far does the 
nosition and growth of Denver depend on routes of transportation ? 

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